Chapter 008

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Joy Again - Looking Out For You 🎵



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"We have a lot to talk about." Alby stands forward, in the middle of the Council Hall as he looks upon all the Glader's to which he had called for a meeting.

Gally sits beside you, which you deem to be unusual. Winston declared to sit beside you also, while Frypan, Newt, and Minho are standing around with other Glader's who couldn't get a chair.

Today is the last day before tomorrow when you get a new Greenie. So you had recovered all of yesterday and had fallen asleep in the bed for most of the day.

 So you had recovered all of yesterday and had fallen asleep in the bed for most of the day

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"For the first time, we have people who survived the Maze at night." Alby turns to you, referring to you and Winston. "They suffered great injuries, but now we have an actual image of these monsters we can picture through Winston's description."

Winston goes ahead to describe it the best he can, to which some wince. Shudder. Fearful in disgust or laugh to think it's funny. He includes the Beetle Blades. Which clearly, not everyone knew about. Not even the Runners or Minho. So it sounds like these little pests come out at night, just like the Grievers.

So how the hell did Newt know?

"This event happened due to Hank." You turn your head back to see Hank standing at the back with his arms crossed, lowered in shame. Guilty card or not, he's pulling on a good act.

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