The Encounter

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??? POV:

The words echoed through the house and the look of fear on all their faces made my heart flutter. "Awww don't get to excited to hear my voice, sadly I can't be there in person..soo wanna ask me how I'm here? OH , it's such a clever trick please do ask." Y/N looked around the house before freezing up and staring at the ground, "the security cameras.." their beautiful voice spoke out quietly and the tall French boy held her close protectively which made my anger rise. "Congratulations! You guessed it! Good job Y/N! And I'm guessing that means you know who I am right?" I laughed softly and they all said in a harmonizing way, "Thomas."


I couldn't believe it, he found where they took me and hacked the security cameras and the system...but why didn't he just come here if he knew where I was, something isn't right. "Ok Thomas, if you're here right now through the security system..why didn't you just come here if you knew where the location was of this place and where I was and giving us a heads up. Instead of just coming here without us knowing." I knew I had a point cause he didn't speak for a few seconds before I hear him clearing his throat. "Well, you see the police are after me and with the security system it would have been easier to report me and the police to get to me before I could get to you my beloved. And don't worry...your little John isn't hurt...yet. However, if you don't cooperate and come meet me at this address." At that moment the address appeared on the t.v. "He will be hurt or even killed." I started shaking, not in fear, in anger. "Alright Thomas you want to play this game, let's play...You brought my best friend into something he didn't even need to be involved in so you just brought a side to me that you shouldn't have. I will meet you at the address if you send me proof that you let John go when I get there."

Laf's POV:

I wanted to object, I wanted to keep her from going but I knew she had a plan and as of right now so did we. Luckily, Thomas was too distracted by talking to Y/N that me and Herc started trying to locate where the hacking location was, hopefully getting Thomas caught and put in prison again. When we finally found it, we sent an alert to the police but not without Thomas realizing. "Wow, you two are really sad aren't you...Thinking that you can tell the police where I am without me seeing? Well let's this be a warning to you both. If you ever get in my way from now on of getting the love of my life to love me back..I will not hesitate to make sure you two are never seen or heard from again. Understand?" I gulped and looked at Herc..we had to keep him there so the police could get to him before he could run again. "Well Thomas how do you know Y/N would ever love you back..I mean how do you know she was not already looking for someone." Herc started talking about this random boy none of us knew or even met...he was sending Thomas on a goose chase to get him away from Y/N. Before we knew it, we heard the police in the background behind Thomas. The las words we heard were, "I'm not done." before his voice faded and the security system was shut down. Maybe...This time, he's gone for good.

Alright everyone! After a long break from writers block! I am back and will start to post once or twice a week! This time I want to hear from you guys! I want to know what you guys want to happen next or people dying or just new ideas! This is for you guys to enjoy and I would be happy to have some of your ideas come in as well! I will start posting every Wednesday and maybe Saturday but that will be rare! See you guys soon, Love you! And thank  you for all the support!

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