An Old Friend

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(Y/n) POV:
    I woke up in the arms of laf as I smiled to myself. "He is adorable.." I tried to lean up but failed as his arms wrapped tighter around my waist. "Five more minutes.." he spoke, his voice was handsome when it was deeper in the morning. "Laf I have to go make breakfast..." he groaned and let me go. I stood up and went to the kitchen getting things to make breakfast but I couldn't reach something on the shelf. "I would help but I can't reach it either..." the person laughed and I turned around and threw a pan at the person. "Ow shit! (Y/n) what the hell?!" I opened my eyes, "JOHN!! Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I hugged him tightly smiling. "How did you know we were here? How did you get inside? How do you remember me?" He laughed. "One it's ok, two laf told me, three the door was unlocked, four I never forget an old friend" he smiled hugging me close to him. "Does laf know your here?" He nodded. "He knows I'm in France but he doesn't know I'm in here until you threw a pan at me and now he's standing in the door way laughing at how you threw a pan at me.." I looked up at him, yes he is slightly taller then me get over it. "That was specific..?" I looked over and jumped slightly. "Because I am over here watching you two..." I rolled my eyes and moved away going back to cooking. "I missed you laurens..." they shook hands. "I'm so sorry for what happened to a-" I turned and have him a stern stare not to finish that sentence. Laurens stopped and nodded, "we should go talk in the other room..." the two boys walked away as I kept cooking.

Johns POV:
    I walked with laf to the living room where we sat down and there was an awkward silence till I spoke up. "Why did you come to France?" I looked at him and saw the sad expression on his face. "Thomas turned out to be the killer...he killed Alex, Angelica, Peggy, Samuel, and....Herc....." he sniffled, his thick French accent shining through. "Oh laf I'm so sorry...." I pat his back. "'s ok...I have (y/n) now...and I'm protecting her from Thomas..." I tilted my head. "Did you not know that Thomas is killing people to get (y/n) for himself?" I gasped and covered my mouth. "No I didn't but now I do..that son of a b-" I got death stared from laf. "Sorry..." he rolled his eyes. "It's fine....we can't give thomas any signs that were in France...and I called you up here cause I didn't want him killing you trying to find out where we are..." I nodded. "Where's Eliza?" He looked down at his hands. "She moved back with her parents since Alex died she hasn't been herself..." (y/n) walked in trying to ignore the words from our mouths as she handed us plates of food. "Thank you" we both said in sync. She nodded and sat down. "I'm gonna kill him...." we both looked at her. "Your gonna What?" I spat out. "I told myself I was gonna beat the ass of whoever killed my bestfriend and that person is thomas...I'm gonna kill him..." laf shook his head, "mon can't....if he gets his hands on you we're all dead..." she sighed and got up walking away. "We have to protect her..." we both said at the same time.

Hello lovely people I came to say that thank you for reading my book! I'm trying to fill as many chapters as I can right now. For right now I'll only be doing one a day but I will try to do two later on. Excited to say I'm seeing Hamilton Wednesday so that's the day I will not be updating any chapter but that means Thursday I'm putting up two! See ya lovely beings later!!!

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