A little crush

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Lafayette's POV:
    I have to admit, having (y/n) in my house was a little odd since I never had a girl as a roommate and I think I'm falling in love with her. It was hard to move on from Hercules but I had to at some point. "(Y/n) dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes!!" I screamed loud enough for her to hear.

(Y/n) POV:
    There were multiple texts and calls on my phone from Thomas, no I didn't block him I just refused to answer him even though I really wanted to so I could tell him to fuck off. I finished putting all of my stuff away as I got on my phone and looked on the news seeing that no one has went missing but for some reason they gave up the search on the murderer since Lafayette wasn't the killer they thought maybe all of them were either on accident or the person killed themselves cause they never found any evidence of it being someone else. I sighed and threw my phone down as I went downstairs and looked at laf from afar. "He is kinda cute..." I mumbled to myself but apparently not quiet enough. "I heard that Cherie.." he smirked and walked over to me. I turned dark red and looked up at him. "S-shut up..shouldn't you be cooking or something?" I flinched as I felt his hands rest on my hips and I looked away. He gently lifted my chin to force myself to look at him. "Now that just won't do, Will it?~" he looked at my neck. "W-What?" I tilted my head. "That mark...is from Thomas? Oui?" He looked at me with a passion in his eyes. "Y-Yeah...it is..." all the sudden I felt his lips against my neck searching for my soft spot and when he found it I let out a quiet moan and I felt his smirk against my skin. "There it is~" he left a hickey on that spot and leaned away. "I will protect you from anything to come and I will love you forever and always...it's only you and me..." he laid a hand on my cheek and I smiled before pulling him down to my height. "Now that's just teasing~" I kissed him passionately wrapping my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist lifting me up and placing me on the counter. All the sudden I felt his hand travel up my shirt and up to my chest, I moaned against his lips and he moved himself closer before looking at me. "We should eat.." he smirked moving away and helping me down. "You son of a-" I laughed. "Shhh petit lion...no cussing or I will refuse to kiss you.." I huffed and he gave me the spaghetti he made and we sat down and ate. After we finished I cleaned the dishes and I felt his arms wrap around me. "I could've done it..." I rolled my eyes. "You say that but if I left him you wouldn't have started them till a week la-" I was cut off by him kissing my jaw and going down. "L-laf" I tried to speak but he stopped me. "Shhhh..." he picked me up and carried me to the couch holding me close to his chest as he turned on the movie fault in our stars as we cuddled and stayed the rest of the night there sleeping together.

HEY YALL! Hope you don't mind I put a little laf x reader in there but trust me I'm getting there your just gonna have to give me time! My parents left for a week so I have to take care of the house my birds as dogs but i will update when I can!! See you later loves!!

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