A Dead End

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Laf's POV:

When I saw James there I immediately knew that something wasn't right. He was best friends with Jefferson, there's no way he came in to apologize for his actions and be ok with his friend being imprisoned. "Alright James, I have a question, if you were so worried about us or her why didn't you come to us sooner? Or why didn't you stop Thomas from doing what you knew what he was doing?" I wanted to annoy him with these questions in hope to get him to come out with the truth. "Well, I didn't know he was actually following through with his plans on his craziness, the way he talked about them I didn't want to think he was that crazy. And the other part, I couldn't find out where you were, I visited all of your original homes but I couldn't find where you relocated, or your numbers, or your mailing addresses." All of this seemed really true but, something wasn't right...How did he find us now?? "OK, that's enough lying because only a select few know about this place. Me, John, y/n, Hercules, Thomas, and now you...how is that?" I knew I busted his plan as soon as his eyes had a little glisten in them. James started to stutter, started to sweat at the palms and shift on his feet. "Well..Uh..I-I a magician never reveals their secrets?" He laughed darkly before the lights went out, and when they came back on y/n was gone.

John's POV:

As soon as the lights turned back on, I saw y/n wasn't there and neither was James. "I knew it! I knew he was up to something! He never cared, why did we let him in!" I started to panic, it hurt so bad to see the friend I just earned back and now they're being taken from me. Before I knew it Hercules was already out the door trying to catch up to them but I already knew they were gone. "Laf, why did we let him come inside? I knew he was up to something bad.." I felt like it was my fault even though I knew part of it wasn't my fault it still felt like it was. Laf snapped me out of my thoughts, "John I know what's wrong...don't think it's your fault. James fooled all of us including y/n. We will get her back, don't worry about it too much ok?" I nodded my head even though something deep down was telling me...something was going to go wrong.

Y/N Pov:

When I woke up the lights were dim and I could only see a few inches in front of me, I knew I was tied because I couldn't move my feet or hands. "Why did you take me? You're not madly in love with me too are you?" I smirk, hoping to aggravate the man I knew was hidden in the dark in front of me. "No, I'm just doing the job that the man who does love you couldn't. Especially if he's behind bars now that makes it harder." James walked out of the shadows and smirked at me tied in the chair. "Well listen up, Laf and Herc are good at making sure I'm safe and they will find you and put you behind bars too. It doesn't take much." I heard him laugh and walk closer to me. "Listen darling, as easy as it was for you guys to go off radar I can do it just as well. Don' get your hopes up, and as soon as Thomas gets out it won't be my problem anymore." Little did I know things were about to get a lot worse for me.

------2 MONTHS LATER------

Y/N Pov:

It had been what I thought and felt like was a year but it had only been two months, lucky me, James kept a calendar up for my view counting down the days for Thomas to get out of prison and tomorrow was that day. I haven't been treated the best, beaten, torn clothes, starved, thirsty, cold. Hell, I was kept in a cold basement for these past few months and for me, that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was if knowing any of my friends were going to find me, it hurt so much to know they were trying their best, and working so hard to get to me but they were lead to dead ends. In the meantine, Laf, John, and Herc were trying so hard to find me. "I have tried a lot of ways and addresses and police and they won't do anything! They keep saying they probably went to spend time with someone else for awhile." Laf yelled at the private investigators on the phone, while John and Hercules paced back and fourth contacting everyone and anyone they could to try to find them. All of it ending in a...


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