Mulligan Returns/Plan is made

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(Y/n)'s POV:
There he was..right in front of me breathing, standing, smiling, before I knew it I wrapped my body around him and tears streamed down my face. "We thought you were dead...laf saw your were dead.." I tried to stop myself from breaking down. Hercules ran his hand through my hair. "Shh. It's ok..I was out of town for a few days and they discovered Thomas took someone that looked like me..killed him and dressed him up like me to make it look like I was dead..."
Lafs POV:
"That's messed up..." (y/n) moves to reveal Laf laying in the hospital bed and Herc walked over. "I can't believe he stabbed you...why?" He frowned. I bit my lip, " and (y/n) went to see a movie and when I went to go to the bathroom thomas stabbed me cause he claimed she was his..." I looked at him hoping he'd understand. Herc nodded. "I know you and (y/n) are thought I was moved had every right to..I should've contacted you sooner but I thought ya know..I wasn't assumed dead." He laughed slightly. (Y/n) walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Well we're all here so we need to discuss something...we know thomas is going to find a way to escape jail and come after me..whether it be kill or all are in danger for having me with you so no more phones no more internet..we can watch tv and stuff and play video games but that's about it." She sighed. "We need to stay hidden we can only use our phones for calling each other or 911 no one else can know where we are cause that risks their and our safety." Herc and I nod.
Hercs POV:
"Well you did say he came here right? So he knows where we are...we need to go somewhere far from here...take John with us since he knows as well...we can go back to the house for tonight and we will discuss where we will go..." I sat down rubbing my face. (Y/n) got out her phone. "I'll call John and tell him what's going on...whatever happens just know we stay together and stay.." at the same time they all said, "invisible...."

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