He returns

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         It was pretty easy figuring out where she was I just didn't know exactly where. A few threats to people's lives and family it was easier to figure out. "Now just to find her..." I smirked. While I was walking down the street I saw on the tv they had me reported and said I was wanted. "That little bitch! She told them what I did!!" I pulled my hood over my head and started walking. I was gonna find her and when I did I was gonna make sure she paid for what she did.

(Y/N'S) POV:
      I was sitting on the couch watching the news shivering slightly at the pictures they had of the people who died. "I can't believe Alex is dead...my best friend...is gone..." I sighed. It was hard to get over because it hurt ya know? To loose someone close to you. John walked over to me and sat down. "I know...but he will be avenged! We will make sure thomas will not yet anyone else or hurt you..." he smiled reassuringly. I smiled weakly and leaned back hugging myself. It's been a few weeks of me being here. So far so good, Thomas hasn't found me or tried to contact me. No one else has died and things are going well between me and Laf. Speak of the devil he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "Mon about when all of this is over I will make sure your life is perfect.." he kissed my head. I blushed smiling. "And I will do the same for you love..." I giggled and turned off the news so I didn't become in a worse mood. Little did I know..what was about to happen was going to be a lot worse then a few pictures on a screen....

I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING!! I SEE A LOT OF PEOPLE HAVE BEEN TAKING INTEREST IN MY STORY AND IM GLAD YOU ALL LIKE IT. Band has been a b*tch so sorry I'm not on as much. If anything spam me and remind me to make a chapter but it may be a bit for the next one. LOVE YOU ALL💕💕

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