Is it Normal?

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Out of POV:

After that night it seemed like everything went back to normal. Laf, Herc, John, and y/n went back to their house and sat in silence. It was hard to believe Thomas went with the police so willingly without having something planned, right? There was no way he would just give up on getting y/n for y/n. The room woke up when Laf began to speak, "So what do we do now? We won right? It's over?" Y/n looked down at the floor, not wanting to say the truth but they knew at some point they would find out one way or another. "I'm afraid it wont be the end of his plan. Thomas is very good at tricking people into thinking he is a good person. Right before he got in the car I saw the smile on his wasn't a smile that I could forgive, it was a smile that I will forever despise and it will bring chills down my spine." John frowned and looked at Herc seeing if there was any advice that he could get out of his eyes. "Well there has to be someway to make sure he stays in prison right? They won't just sit there and let him escape again right? It's wrong." Y/n snickered with the sound of pain that anyone would feel bad for. "I hope with time they will realize how much of a monster he is and they won't let him escape ever again." However, that wasn't the problem, Thomas gave in so easily because he had a backup plan for when he was caught, yes he knew that he was going to be taken away that night. It was his plan, he didn't and couldn't do this all alone, he had a friend that no one knew about that was helping him behind the curtains no one could see behind. There was a knock on the door when Laf got up and went to answer it. "Madison? What are you doing here?" 

Madison's POV:

I received a message from Thomas saying that I needed to go to an address to begin the rest of his work since he said something about not being able to continue? He didn't give a specific reason but he wanted me to trick y/n into believing Thomas was actually becoming a better person, get them to become friends so it would be easier for Thomas to finally take what belonged to him. Believe me, I know he's crazy but he is my one and only friend that I can tolerate, and I would do anything for him to make him happy, even if that means kidnapping someone for him. Well, I guess that makes me crazy too. "Heh, I heard about Thomas getting arrested and I came to check up on you guys..I heard about his victim being y/n and I didn't know if there was anything I could do to help or you guys need anything." Laf smiled and nodded moving out of the way to let me in, "I don't know if there is anything we need but come on in! It's been awhile." I smiled and walked in seeing y/n on the couch in deep thought, probably about Thomas. "Hello y/n, long time no see. It's glad to see your face around again." I said in a stern tone like I did with everyone. "hm, yeah it has been a long time, guess you didn't know about your friend being a psycho so you didn't care too much before huh?" They snapped at me, they were wrong, I knew all along but they didn't need to know that. "I couldn't believe that my friend was killing people for the love of his life, it was hard to believe. You have to understand I didn't mean to hurt you." I said softly, I was good with hiding my true purposes that's what happens when you take politics class. You get good at hiding your true intentions behind a fake sympathetic smile. Y/n seethed as they stared at me for a few seconds before speaking, "Fine, I'll forgive you, but only because you came out all this way to check on me." How foolish of these people to not make a second thought of how I found out where they were located, guess Thomas was right, this is going to be easier then I thought it would be. I grinned before going over to the couch sitting next to them.

Hey hey hey!!! There you go guys! A new chapter for the series and yes yes he is still crazy but he is not the only one! You are going to start seeing a lot more of James for now instead of Thomas since he is in prison. Don't worry though Thomas will be back. I got this idea while I was writing it lol so I hope you enjoy! And I will talk to you guys when I make the next chapter! Goodnight my lovelies!!!!

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