Odd behavior

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(Y/n) POV:
It has been a month that me and Thomas have been dating. They found Hercs dead body in Lafs attic and now Laf is under questioning. Lately Thomas has been acting strange, whenever I tell him I'm going out he always asks with who or what are you doing or don't be gone long. He's so overprotective and don't get me wrong I feel safe with that but I feel like I have no privacy at all. No one else has gone missing yet or at least that's all I know. Thomas hasn't let me see the news, maybe because people have gone missing and he just doesn't want me to get hurt over it. "Tommy! I'm goin out!" He decided he was harsh on me forcing me to call him daddy so he said tommy is fine. "Ok! Don't be gone long my love!" He smiled at me and I smiled back as I walked out. I walked to the coffee shop and went in seeing poor Lafayette sitting by himself. His eyes were glazed over he had bags under them and his hair was a mess. He was even wearing pajamas. "Laf...I know it hurts but you need to move on...." as I said that Laf jumped out of his seat and hugged me tightly. "You need to run...." he whispered. "What? Why?" I looked at him. "Thomas...he's the one doing this..." he pulled out a note and I opened it. 'Stay away from my (y/n)' it said. "....oh my god..." I covered my mouth. "Find somewhere to go..get away from him..." I froze as everything went through my head. "......that means he killed Alex...." I looked at him but he had a sad expression. "And Angelica...Peggy....Samuel..." I growled and handed him the note. "I'm going back to him getting my stuff and getting the hell out of there...and your coming with me..." he nodded. "I have a place in France we can go...he won't find us there..." I nodded as I grabbed my coffee and walked out.

Thomas's POV:
(Y/n) walked through the door and wouldn't look at me as she walked upstairs. I followed and leaned in the door frame. "What are you doing?" I asked confused. "I'm leaving..." she packed her stuff. I growled and grabbed her wrist. "I guess laf told you huh...." I smirked and pulled her close to me. "They were in the way....." she pulled away and pushed me against the wall. "THEY WERE MY FRIENDS!!!! BURN IN HELL THOMAS I ACTUALLY LOVED YOU!!" She grabbed all of her stuff and ran out as she had tears rolling down her face. I sat there. 'I actually loved you!' Kept repeating in my head. "Dumbass! She loved you and all you did was kill her friends!" I covered my face. "I need to stop her I can change!!" I got up and started running after her.

(Y/n) POV:
I ran to the airport where laf told me to meet him and we got on the plane as tears were rolling down my face. I felt his hand cover mine as he gave me a soft smile and I smiled back weakly. Before we took off I saw Thomas running around in the airport looking for us but it was to late. We already took off. "No....(y/n)...." he saw the plane leave as he sat down and started crying.


I walked into the house laf was mentioning and I looked at him. "It's beautiful..." I looked around. "Not as beautiful as you.." he covered his mouth realizing what he said. "Did you just...." I giggled at his red face. "Thank you for that compliment.." he smiled as I went to a bedroom and put my stuff together. "Finally...I'm free..." I blushed realizing. "I'm living in a house with laf..and I think i....no impossible..."

(A/n): HELLO MY BEAUTIFUL HUMAN BEINGS!! Sorry for leaving you on a cliff hanger... don't hate me please*^* I hope you are enjoying the story! Leave any requests and I will totally look into them!! BYE MY LOVES!!!!

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