CHAPTER 1 - Aarohi

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You have to behave properly aarohi ok I don't want to get embarrassed at the party there are going to be Many VIP people and my friends so dress up nicely ok ! vikram shouted at aarohi

"DO YOU UNDERSTAND ?!!!" He grabbed her wrist tightly.

"ye-yess". said aarohi in fear and pain

Aarohi was a happy go lucky girl. She used to enjoy her life to the fullest. She always believed in spreading love around and to make everyone around her happy. but after she met vikram everything changed he made her life a living hell.

Vikram is literally a devil in disguise. He is pure evil. He can do anything to get what he wants. He can use any method. Even if it's bad he doesn't care about anyone but himself.

It's been two months since aarohi and vikarm got engaged and after that aarohi's life went down hill.


Aarohi's dad suresh singhania and vikram's parents mohit and kalpana chauhan fixed the alliance. Aarohi didn't want to marry vikram she begged her dad to stop the marriage.

But he didn't listen he was just thinking about his bussiness. Aarohi and Vikram's alliance was fixed because of bussiness purpose. They weren't thinking about their children's happiness.

They were only thinking about profit and success . Aarohi was helpless she had no one. Aarohi was really missing her mother who left her years ago because of her father and never looked back. Aarohi was looking at her childhood picture with her mother.

They went to a park aarohi really had fun playing with her mother she never been this happy in her life. They played till evening and had ice cream. Only if aarohi knew that this was going to be her last time playing with her mother.

"Maa I miss you! why are you not here with me. I really need you..
cried aarohi. I really don't want to marry this guy. I love someone else."

(Flashback ends )
"AAROHI !!!" Yelled vikram

Aarohi was brought back to present because of Vikram's yelling

"What were you thinking ?! Tell me !!"
Yelled vikram again

"No-nothing". stammered aarohi


"I'm-- I'm sorry" cried aarohi

Vikram glared at aarohi And he slapped her hard. Aarohi fell to the ground she was terrified of him. He could do anything. Vikram knelt down and started caressing her cheek where he slapped her. Aarohi flinched in pain

"Aarohi look what you made me do. I didn't wanted to hurt you but your stammering and crying really makes me angry you know that." said vikram calmly

but his calmness was scaring aarohi.Aarohi wanted to cry out loud but was holding her cry. She was really scared of vikram. Because
Virkam could do anything and can get away with it

"Now do something about this mark ok and get ready for the party." said vikram. And Left her room.

Aarohi then made sure he was not around. She closed the door went in the bathroom and turned on the shower and sat under it so then no one will be able to hear her cries. Cries of pain, Cries of helplessness.

Note :- English is not my native language so please forgive me if I did any mistake.

And Hey lovely people thank you so much for reading ! And if you liked it then please leave a comment 😊

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