CHAPTER 13 - music

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Aditya and aarohi arrived in college.

"How can I convince aaru to participate in the music competition. No matter how much I try to convince aaru she won't listen." - aditya thought.

Aditya suddenly had a idea.

"Aaru listen I just remembered I have some work in office you go to class i'll join you later. "- aditya.

"Adi it's okay I'll come with you." - aarohi

"No ! I mean don't worry it's not going to take much time. I'll join later please." - aditya.

"Okay okay". - aarohi

Aarohi felt something was off but she just shrugged it off. And she walked away.

Aditya sighed.

"aaru i'm sorry but it's for your own good." - aditya.

Aditya went to the music room.

"Nishant.! "- aditya

"Aditya hey Buddy." - nishant

"Nishant is the participant list full for music competition?" - aditya

"No there is one place left . You want to participate? But bro I heard you sing you are not a good singer." - nishant

"Hahaha very funny I'm asking for aaru"- aditya

"So that means aarohi is finally participating in the competition?" - nishant

"Unfortunately no she is not participating again god she doesn't realise how good she is ! But I'm here to make her realise that how much she loves music." - aditya.

"How ?" - nishant.

Aditya smiled and winked.


"God today's class was so boring" - aarohi

"Yes man "- neha .

"Aarohi !! "

"Hey gia" - aarohi.

"What happened gia ?You got some new gossip ??" - neha.

"No "- gia.

"Then why are you so happy?" - neha.

"Because aarohi is finally going to participate in the music competition"- gia.

Aarohi was confused. She looked at neha she looked confused too.

"No gia I'm not participating" - aarohi.

"Oh really then why you're name is on the participant list ?!" - gia.

"What ? No didn't ... Where is the list ?" - aarohi .

"Outside the music room ".. - gia .

Aarohi and neha rushed towards the music room. And they saw the list gia was talking about. Aarohi's name was written in bold letters. Aarohi was confused . She didn't give her name then who did.

They saw nishant coming out of the room.

"Hey aarohi all the best !" - nishant.

"Hey you! you did this, didn't you?" - neha

Neha pointed her finger accusingly towards nishant.

"Hey you ! You don't know anything okay . Aditya asked me to do this ! "- nishant.

"What ?" Adi - aarohi.

"Yes you're adi."- nishant.

Aarohi took out her phone and called aditya.

"Hello aaru!" - aditya.

"Where are you ??!!" - aarohi.

"Behind you."- aarohi .

Aarohi turned around to see aditya standing behind her.

"Adi! You.."- aarohi

"Yes I gave your name for the competition."- aditya

"Adi you know I don't want to participate in this competition ! my main focus is football!" - aarohi.

"Football ! football ! All the time you're thinking about others happiness !!! But what about you aaru !!! You love music ! You remember you used to talk about music all the time . But when you got to know about your dad that he used to play football you just started thinking about football. You completely forgot about your passion aaru." - aditya.

Aditya kept his hand on her shoulders.

"Aaru I know you want to make your dad proud but you shouldn't be doing what you're dad loves you should do what you love and your dad will be proud. You shouldn't change yourself aaru for some one else" - aditya

Aditya and aarohi looked at eachother. Behind them nishant and neha were smiling.

Aarohi didn't said anything.

"Okay if still don't want to participate then it's fine."- aditya

Aditya looked at aarohi and stromed off . Aarohi went after him.

Aditya was sitting inside the canteen
Aarohi sat beside him . He just ignored her. Aarohi offered him a ice cream cone. He ignored her again. Then she offered him another ice cream cone . He ignored her again . Then another one and he ignored her again. Then she nuged his shoulder. He looked at her . Aarohi pointed him to look at the table.

He looked down at the table to see many ice cream cones. He beemed happily. She just smiled at him.

"Yes adi I'll participate in the music competition. You are right . I should follow my passion and make my dad proud."- aarohi.

"Thank God finally you realised because
I can't pretend to stay angry anymore because I really want to eat this ice cream" -aditya.

"What ?" - aarohi

"Yes aaru this was my plan. And see it worked you are participating in the music competition.but whatever I said earlier is true aaru ! I just want your happiness "- aditya

Aarohi hugged him. Aditya hugged her back.

"You are my happiness adi" - aarohi.

" This is getting too cheesy so can we just please eat the ice cream before it melts ."- aditya.

Aarohi started Laughing aditya too started laughing.


NOTE - English is not my native language . So please forgive me if I did any mistake.

I really loved how aarohi convinced aditya that was cute and ice cream they are my favorite and now I have this sudden urge to have ice cream what about you guys? Thank you so much for reading this chapter guys and please comment and vote !

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