CHAPTER 24 - Fight

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Aarohi and aditya were sitting in the  backseat of  aditya's car. Aarohi's head was on aditya's shoulder. And they were holding hands.  Aditya told aarohi  everything that has happened about aman and  their planning. Even aarohi told aditya everything that her  father told her.

Aarohi :-" I can't believe this adi. So many things happened. What vikram did with aman was terrible."

Aditya :- "Yes vikram is a devil.  i'm so sorry aaru that you had to go through so much. You had to suffer from his torcher. I'm sorry."

Aditya had tears in his eyes. Aarohi looked up at him and wiped his tears.

Aarohi :- "Don't you dare blame yourself okay it's not your fault . And let's just forget the past. What matters is us. We are finally back together. "

Aditya :-" It really feels like dream. Aaru Every second of every day I thought about you. "

Aarohi :- "Even I thought about you adi every day every second. I was living but there was no love no hope. I was only surrounded by dark clouds. But now  all the dark clouds finally vanished.  I love you adi ."

Aditya :- "I love you more."

Aditya kissed aarohi's forehead. He leaned down but then suddenly aditya's phone started ringing.

Aditya :- "Wow what a timing."

Aarohi chuckled.

It was Aman's call.

Aman :- "Congratulations brother ! Mr singhania broke the alliance. "

Aditya :- "Thank you its all because of your help."

Aman :- "God seriously you really need to start taking credit for your own good deeds. "

Aditya chuckled.

Aman :-   "You met Bhabhi ji? "

Aditya :- "I'm with her right now."

Aman :- "Wah bohot tej ho rahe ho ! "

Aman laughed. Aditya blushed. Aarohi was amused.

Aman :- "Okay bhai I won't disturb you because I'm having the feeling that my timing was super wrong."

Aman disconnects the call.

Aarohi :-" What did he say that made  you blush so  hard."

Aditya :- "bohot tej ho rahe ho ! "

Aarohi :- "what ?"

Aarohi chuckled. Aditya smiled and leaned down. Aarohi closed her eyes and leaned in.


Here at the jail vikram got the news that Mr singhania broke the alliance. 
And he was fuming with anger.

Vikram :- "HOW DARE HE ?!!! "

He kicked the wall in anger.

- "Hey you idiot shut up ! "

One prisoner said Who shared the cell with vikram.

Vikram :-" WHAT DID YOU SAY ?! "

- "I called you idiot !"

Vikram :- "Do you know who I am !! "

-" You are nothing here okay ! You are just a prisoner here !  I'm done with your crap. I am vikram chauhan !! I can't stay here.!! Shut up okay !! You complain box !!"

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