CHAPTER 8 - Move on!

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Aarohi daily went to the temple of durga maa. She really felt peaceful after praying to durga maa.

"Maa please always protect Aditya. Keep him happy. And keep him away from all this danger. And make his all wishes come true." Prayed aarohi

Aarohi daily prayed for aditya's happiness and safety. She just wanted his happiness.

"Maa Durga will always keep you both together. !" Said pandit ji

Aarohi opened her eyes and looked up to see that pandit ji was blessing her and aditya. Aditya too looked back at her.

She quickly tried to correct pandit ji

"No we are not..."

But pandit ji already left . Aarohi just looked back at aditya. Who was already looking at her. He had a small smile.

She just turned around and  started leaving.
But aditya quickly followed her.

"Aaru listen "... Aditya called out to her.

Aarohi stopped. And turned around to face him.

"What adi ?! And what are you doing here ?!" Asked aarohi.

"Hey you know what srk said , A man only bows his head only infront of three women first is his mother , second is durga maa , and third is "..... He bows his head down a little.

"Adi ..." She was interrupted by aditya's laughing.

"Look at your face." said aditya in between laughs.

"God adi you will never change !! Said aarohi. She too was smiling.

After a long time aarohi was smiling.
It was that kinda  of smile like it's the first time she's seen the sun after a decade of winter.

Her smile made aditya smile even more. He can do anything to make her smile. Aditya was lost in aarohi. Aarohi looked at him. She started blushing.
The effect he has on her.
But aarohi remembered the reality that everything was not sunshine and rainbows for her. her face became dejected.

By seeing her dejected face aditya got sad .He looked down.

"Ok I'm sorry." Said aditya.

"Aaru you know I go to durga maa's temple every Tuesday. Soo ... That's why I'm here and by Chance I met you here." Explained aditya.

"Yeah I know sorry". said aarohi.

"And now that we have met I wanted to talk to you." Said aditya he was a Little nervous about aarohi's reaction.

"What is it ?" Asked aarohi in confusion.

"Is Everything fine between you and vikram ? I mean are you happy??" Asked aditya.

Aarohi was speechless she didn't know what to do say. She quickly puts her hand behind her back. Aditya notices her action.

"Yes I am really happy ! Vikram is really a good guy ! He loves me and takes good care of me! You don't have to worry about me! It was my decision!" Said aarohi

She hated Lieing to aditya. But she no other option.

"You need to move on adi !" Said aarohi
Sobs rising in her throat.
Aditya looked little hurt.
She knew aditya was just worried about her and he wanted make sure she was ok .
But his worry for her will get him in danger and she can't let him get hurt.

She had to leave if she stayed a few minutes more she won't be able to control her tears. aarohi walks away. Aditya was staring at her till she disappeared from his sight

He sighed. He knew she was not telling him the he really need to find out about vikram in his own way. So he took out his phone from his pocked and called someone. After one ring the person on the other side picked up the call.

"Hello.. I want you to do something for me." said aditya


NOTE - English is not my native language. So please forgive me if I did any mistake.

I really enjoyed writing their mandir scene and I hope you enjoyed reading it and thank you so much for reading guys and please vote and please comment I love them!

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