CHAPTER 26 - Hearing

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Bonus chapter for today On the special request of AmazingInsaan
Today was the day of hearing.  Everyone was nervous.  Vikram was already standing behind the dock. He was looking down. All the testimony were present. Even nisha and karan.

Nisha woke up from the coma a few weeks ago when she got to know about Vikram's hearing. She couldn't help but come. A doctor was present with her.  Even karan came he wanted vikram behind bars as much as everyone. Tarun was present too. Aarohi and aditya both were too nervous they held each other's hands.
The judge arrived. Everyone stood up.  After the The judge sat down. Everyone in the court sat down too.

Kirti k presented all the accusations list of vikram. And gave her opening statement. Vikram's lawyer too gave his opening statement.

Kirti k :- "Your honour  I would like  to call Mr aman joshi in the witness dock."

Judge :- "Permission granted."

Aman got up and stood behind the witness dock.  He took his oath  that what he will say in court is true
He looked at vikram but he was only looking down.

Kirti k :- "Mr Aman You were mr Vikram's best friend am I right ?"

Aman :-" Yes."

Kirti k :-" So tell me how he was in the school ? How was his behavior?"

Aman :- "He used to get in fights. "

Kirti k :- "His parents sent him to hostel why ? "

Aman :-"  He started getting in lots of fights. lot of parents started complaining against him. He used to hang out with the bad group of our school so he  used to take drugs and used to drink alcohol. School called his parents and  they suspended  him. So his parents  they sent him to hostel. "

Kirti k :-" Point to be noted your honour."

The judge wrote down.

Kirti k presented the school  suspension letter to the judge. The judge read the letter.

Kirti k :- "but mr vikram was sent back from the hostel too why ?"

Aman :- "He started getting in fights there too. All the students were scared of him. So they sent him back."

The judge again wrote down  the points. Kirti k again presented the suspension letter of the hostel and students complains.

Kirti k :-" He was even taking the treatment from a therapist  am I right right ?"

Aman :- "Yes I was there with him."

Kirti k :-" Thank you so much Mr aman.
Your honour my questions are over."

Judge asked Vikram's  lawyer that did he wanted to ask any questions. But he refused.

Kirti k :- "your honour I would like to call mrs sharma in the witness dock."

Judge :- "permission granted."

Mrs sharma stood behind the dock. She took her oath.

Kirti k :- "Mrs  sharma you were mr vikram's therapist am I right ? "

Mrs sharma :- "Yes I was his therapist."

Kirti k :- "So how was he ? "

Mrs sharma :- "Mr vikram is a aggressive person. Lack of care from parents made him aggressive. He would even take  aggressive methods if things go against his wish."

Kirti k :-" Point to be noted your honour."

Judge again wrote down the points.

Kirti k :-" Mrs sharma you Asked vikram to wrote down how many times he hurted other people and why, am I right ?"

Mrs sharma :- "Yes I asked vikram to wrote down all the times he hurted others and why. I did this to learn more about him. "

Kirti k :-  "Your honour this is the list. Mr vikram wrote. "

Kirti k presented the list to the judge.

Kirti k :-  "you refused to treat mr vikram why ?"

Mrs sharma :-" I was scared. I really was. the way he was writing down all those things with a sinster smile . He was enjoying it. Just because a kid pissed him off  mr vikram broke his arm. And he pushed other kid off the stairs just because he didn't help mr vikram. I was scared that he will do something to me ."

Kirti k :- "point to be noted your honour."

The judge wrote down.

Kirti k :- "Thank you so much mrs  sharma. My questions are over your honour. "

The judge again asked Vikram's lawyer that he wanted to ask any questions but he again refused.

Kirti k :-" Your honour I would like to call miss nisha joshi in the witness dock."


NOTE - English is not my native language . So please forgive me if I did any mistake.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter guys ! I was really nervous because I had to write a court scene and I didn't wanted to screw up so please tell me what do you think ? And the photo above is a photo from sumedh's movie manjha have you guys watched it ? He really did a amazing job he always does!

And Guys please tell me did you guys like this chapter ?
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