CHAPTER 4 - Its been a long time

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Aditya arrived home. He was feeling really happy. After a long time he was going to see his parents. He saw his mother asha Goenka waiting for him at the door. She had tears in eyes. After all she was seeing him after a long time.

"Maa." said aditya.

He touched her feet. Asha gave her blessings to her son. And hugged her son tightly. Aditya hugged her back.

"Finally. I was waiting for this moment."
Said asha.

She broke the hug and looked at him and said ," look at yourself how thin have you become. But don't worry
now that you are here I will take care of you. And will make your favourite dishes."

"Maa I was longing to eat your hand food." Said aditya.

She warmly touched his cheek and smiled.

Aditya smiled at her. Then aditya looked around the house. House was decorated.

"Maa are we hosting a party ?" Asked aditya.

"Yes Your father has organized a party for you." Said asha

"Maa."Said aditya

"Adi I know you don't like parties anymore but please you have to attend the party for us." Said asha

"Ok maa." said aditya

"Now go and meet your dad he has been waiting for you. He is in the study room." Said asha

Aditya went to the study room to meet his father. His father was pacing back and forth.

"Papa ." Said aditya

His father manish goenka looked at him. He too had tears in his eyes. He hugged his son tightly. Aditya hugged him back. Aditya too had tears in his eyes. He was so happy to meet his father.

"How are you beta?" asked manish

"I'm fine papa. how are you ?" Asked aditya

"Now I am fine." Manish smiled warmly.

"I organized a party for you. Go and get ready the guest will arrive any time."
Said manish.

"Ok papa. "said aditya.

Aditya went to his room nothing was changed it was still the same. He looked at a photo of him with his parents on the wall. He smiled brightly he was happy to be back.

"You are not ready yet ?! Go and get ready fast adi". said asha.

"Yes I was just about to go."Said aditya.

After getting ready. Aditya saw a tuxedo already on the bed. He quickly got ready. And went downstairs to greet his guest. All this time aditya had this feeling that he was going to meet her tonight. The feeling was too strong.
He was constantly looking at the door.
He was anxious.

"Aditya my Buddy!! "

Aditya saw nishant his childhood best friend.

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