CHAPTER 17 - burnt face

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It's been a year since aarohi, aditya and neha , nishant graduated. Aditya and Aarohi were happy together. After some time even nishant and neha realised their mutual feelings and decided to give it a try. And everything was well in their relationship. Aditya told his mother about aarohi . She even visited them. Aditya's dad couldn't meet her because he was busy in his work he was out of country. But he did tell him about her.

Everything was good until ...

Aditya :-" Aaru was not feeling good since few days. She had this nightmares where someone was separating us.. I told her that they were just nightmare but she was getting more and more worried day by day. I was really worried for her
Only if I knew
I decided to propose her with a promise ring that we will always be together. One day I brought her a ring I went back to our shared apartment but when I got their I saw the door wide open. No sign of aaru ... I felt my heart drop in my stomach. I asked the neighbor's"...

Neighbor :- "We saw someone taking Aarohi with them she kept saying dad please No ....We didn't know what to do we tried calling you but your phone was not reachable. We are sorry. "

Aditya fell to his knees he didn't know what to do.

Aditya :-" I tried calling aaru but her phone was not reachable. I was about to call the cops but then I got maa's call..
That grandad had a heart attack and that his condition was critical."

Asha :-"adi please you have to come here quickly your grandfather had a heart attack his condition is critical even your dad is not here. Please come fast."

Aditya :-" maa I'm I'm coming".

Mr goenka :-" I'm sorry aditya. In that situation I wasn't there with you when you needed me the most I'm sorry. Only if I was there with you only if I ...."

Aditya:- "dad it's okay you arrived shortly after."

Mr goenka :- "son but it was too late."

Aditya went back to India in the next flight. His grandfather's condition was even worse. His mother was constantly crying. His family needed him. And so did his love.
It was the worst situation for him.

He tried calling aarohi Many times. But her phone was still not reachable. He kept trying and one time she picked up the call.

Aditya :-" hello aaru I .. "

Mr singhania :-" I'm her Father. Listen you need to stay away from my daughter otherwise the consequences will not be good for you! Your grandfather is already in worst condition so take good care of him and forget about aarohi. Forget that you ever meet her !! "

Before aditya could say anything He hung up the phone. Aditya felt sobs rising in his throat. He couldn't control them anymore and he started crying.
His mom saw him crying she quickly hugged him.

That night nishant and neha came. They got to know the whole situation.
Neha decided that she Will bring aarohi to meet him.

Next morning neha went over to her house. She was specially wearing scarf .Her dad was there. She introduced herself as her friend.

Neha :- "Uncle I want to meet aarohi, can I ? "

Mr singhania.:- "why your face is covered ?! "

Neha took off her scarf her whole face was burned.

Mr singhania :- "Okay okay cover it up you can meet her . "

She went to her room. Followed by one guard.

Neha :- "you can stay here dude it's our personal girl talk you can't be there and I don't think even your sir want you to come inside so stay here."

The guard thought about it for a second and stayed outside.
Neha went inside. She saw aarohi curled up in a corner she was crying.

Neha :-" Aarohi "

Aarohi looked up . Her eyes were red. Her condition was worse like aditya.
She quickly got up and hugged neha.
Neha tried to calm her down.

Aarohi :- "how is adi ?! I heard about his grandfather. Is he okay ?! "

Neha :- "Aarohi no aditya's condition is worse Like you. You need to see him."

Aarohi :-" i'm dying to meet him neha but I can't aarohi cried. Whole house is surrounded by guards. "

Neha : -" I know but I have a plan."

Aarohi covered her face. She walked out off the room the guard asked her to follow. Her dad was sitting outside.
Even he didn't ask anything.

She got out of the house. Nishant was waiting outside in his car. She sat in the passenger seat. he quickly started the car.

Aarohi and nishant arrived at the hospital. Before nishant could stop the car aarohi quickly got out of the car.
She ran inside. She was asking the receptionist.

Aditya :- "Aaru.".

Aarohi ran towards him and hugged him. He hugged her back tightly. They both were crying.

NOTE - English is not my native language . So please forgive me if I did any mistake.

I really felt bad for aditya and aarohi man they love each other alot ! And neha and nishant are really good friends how much efforts they took so that adirohi can meet ! really true friends! Thank you so much for reading this chapter guys 
And please let me know did you guys like the chapter? What are your thoughts?

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