CHAPTER 3- love is you!

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Aarohi got ready for the party. She was wearing a long blue dress. And she pulled her hair into a high loose bun. As usual vikram decided that look for her. He was the one who decided everything for her. Aarohi looked into the mirror.
Aarohi looked beautiful. She always looked beautiful no matter what she wore. But her baby blue eyes looked Empty. She was feeling dead inside. She closed her eyes and walked down the stairs. Vikram was waiting for her.

"AAROHI !!" Yelled vikram

He was about to go upstairs and bring her down but aarohi was already coming downstairs. He looked at her from head to toe with lustful eyes.
Aarohi was really uncomfortable.
She was feeling disgusted.
She couldn't take it anymore.

"Vikram we should get going ! "
Said aarohi

"Yes I know ! vikram glared at her"

Aarohi remembered a moment with aditya.

"Aaru we are getting late." said aditya.

They were really getting late for their friends birthday party.

"Just 2 minutes adi." said aarohi

"Aaru you are saying that from past 10 minutes."said aditya

"God why girls take so much time to get ready." Said aditya

"I'm ready. "

Aditya looked at aarohi. She was looking so beautiful. In the red dress.
He couldn't take his eyes off her.

"Am I looking good ?"Asked aarohi

"Too good ! Mind blowing! fantastic! Damn Aaru I can't tell you how deadly you are looking."Said aditya

Aarohi was blushing hard. Her face was red as tomato.

"Adi !" Said aarohi

"What adi ?! let's just skip the party aaru."Said aaditya

"Aditya!"Said aarohi again while blushing hard

"We are going ok let's go."said aarohi

But he just grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. Aarohi just couldn't stop her blush. His actions were making aarohi's thoughts go wild.
Aarohi and aditya looked at each other. he loved to make her blush. he smiled at her and kissed her forehead. Aarohi cloesd her eyes and smiled lovingly.

"Shall we ?" Asked aditya

Aarohi nodded. Still blushing.

"NOT AGAIN !" Yelled vikram

Aarohi was suddenly brought back to present by Vikram's yelling. Aarohi just wanted to slap vikram but she couldn't. Her actions could make situation worse. She had to suffer from this torcher to keep him safe.


"So--so sorry vikr--kram" stuttered aarohi again
Vikram glared at her.

yelled vikram.

Aarohi sat in the backseat. Vikram was sitting beside her. And they started driving to the party venue. Aarohi still didn't know whose party they were going to. She just knew that a rich business man organized a party for his son.


Note - English is not my native language. So please forgive me if I did any mistake.

I really loved writing the cute moment of aditya and aarohi. They are so cute and totally opposite to them is vikram
Totally a shaitan ka saala.

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter thank you so much for reading and please comment i really appreciate your comments and do vote

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