CHAPTER 9 - Lunch

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Aarohi arrived home.

Mam your father has arrived from his business trip . And he wants to see you . He is in his room." the maid told aarohi.

"Okay..." Aarohi sighed .

She never had a good relationship with her Father. he never cared about her.
every month he only used to give her money.

A film could be made on her life she thought. Mother left her when she was little. Her father never really cared about her. Abusive fiance.

But why her father wanted to see her.

With all this thoughts  she went to his room and she knocked on the door.

"Come in" . he said

Her father was sitting on a armchair.
He didn't even looked at her once.

"You wanted to see me ?" Asked aarohi.

"Yes. I have invited Vikram's parents for lunch. So prepare for it. Make everything of there choice." Said her father.

"Yes dad." Said aarohi.

"And yes are you taking care of vikram well ?" Asked her father.

Wow he only just cares about vikram.
He didn't even asked me how I am. He hates me that much. Then why didn't he let me leave with my mother.
aarohi thought.

"Aarohi I asked you something."

"Yes I'm taking care of him very well." aarohi replied

"Good . You may leave now." Said her father.

Aarohi walked out of the room and closed the door. Not even once he looked at her. Aarohi felt sad. She was now used to this treatment. But still it hurt.

(Here at aditya's house. )

Aditya was getting ready for office. He was thinking about today.

"If vikram is not a good guy and he is hurting aaru then vikram will pay for it." He thought.

Then he heard a knock on his bedroom door. It was his father.
He comes in.

"Aditya are you ready ?" Asked his father.

"Yes dad I'm ready." Said aditya.

"Good. Today we have important meeting with mr vikram chauhan."
Said his father.

"Okay. "He said

"Are you okay ?" Asked his father.

"Yes I am fine dad why wouldn't I be." Said aditya.

"Why was his father asking him this ?" He thought.

"Aditya I didn't say anything yesterday but I got the hint that you and aarohi know each other from a long time." Said his father.

"Yes dad we were .... We were ....." He sighed.

"We will talk about this tonight. Is that okay with you ?" Asked his father.

"Yes dad. "aditya said.

With that his father left his room. Aditya suddenly remembered all the past memories.

"Aaru.... I promise you that I won't let anything happen to you! "

(Back at aarohi's house. )

Aarohi was preparing the lunch.
She had huge list of food items which vikram and his parents liked.

"Aarohi didi what for dessert ?" In this list they haven't mentioned anything about dessert."Asked vimal.

Vimal was one of the maid.She was the only person with whom aarohi could talk freely. She was like a sister to her. Vimal knew everything. Even about aditya. And she even knew how terrible vikram is . She wanted to beat the crap out of him. But aarohi wouldn't let her do that. She didn't want vimal to get hurt because of her.

"Umm ..." Aarohi thought.

"Kheer !" Aarohi said .

"Kheer. Okay . but will the shaitan ka saala like the kheer or not ? Because he has problem with everything !!" Vimal asked aarohi.

"Vimal ! And I have seen him eating kheer once so there won't be any problem." Aarohi said.

"Okay then I will prepare for it." Said vimal.

Aditya liked kheer alot. Specially the one aarohi made. She smiled at the thought of him. She remembered one moment.

Aditya : "Wow wow wow aaru!! Your kheer is really heaven. I can eat this kheer daily without getting bored !! Too good I am so lucky to have you in my life !!! aaru I love you !!!!"

Aarohi : "Adi I don't think it's that good."

Aditya: "you are right it's not good it's amazing !"

Aarohi: "okay okay stop with all this compliments. Its too much."

Aarohi smiled.

Aditya : "you deserve it aaru!!"

Aditya puts the empty bowl on the table and turns right to face aarohi. And he hugs aarohi tightly. She hugs him back tightly.

"Aarohi didi ! aarohi didi !"

Aarohi was snapped back to present.
Vimal was shaking her.

" you were thinking about aditya!" Asked vimal.

"Um yeah how do you know ?" Aarohi asked.

Because you have this beautiful smile. And only aditya can bring this smile on you face. Not that shaitan ka saala. Vimal said .

Aarohi blushed, "you are right vimal."

(At the goenka office.)

Aditya and his father were waiting for vikram and his father in there office vikram and his father were late.

"God so unprofessional !" Aditya's dad said angrily.

Aaditya only sighed.

Then they heard a knock on the door. It was aditya's PA

"Sir the chauhan's are here." PA said.

"Okay .." aditya said .

They got up and went to greet them.

"Welcome !" Aditya's dad said .

"Thank you !" Vikram said .

"Sorry we are late." Vikram's Father apologized.

"It's okay." aditya said.

"So let's go to the conference room everybody is waiting." Said aditya's dad

They went to the conference room.

The meeting was done in 2 hrs they discussed about their project together.
Now it was lunch time.

"Why don't you both join us for  lunch " aditya's dad asked .

"Actually we are going for lunch at vikram's in-laws house." Said Vikram's father.

"You both should join us !" Vikram said

"No we don't want to bother anyone."
Aditya's father tried to decline.

"No there won't be any problem please join us." vikram insisted.

"Yes you both should join us i'll inform them." Vikram's father said.

Vikram's father informs aarohi's dad.
And they left for aarohi's house.


NOTE - English is not my native language. So please forgive me if I did any mistake.

Aarohi specially made this kheer for aditya and surprise he is coming to have lunch wow ! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did please comment I really love your comments! And please vote ! And thank you so much for reading!

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