CHAPTER 20 - psychotic

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Nishant :- "What happened with you ?"

Aman sighed.

Aman :- "It's a long story man... Vikram and I were best friends I mean I knew him since childhood. We went to the same school. Vikram's parents were never there they were always off to some trip or for some work. He always felt alone. So I always been with that he won't feel alone. But soon vikram started hanging out with the wrong group. The group was always doing something bad."

Nishant :- "like drugs ,alcohol ?"

Aman :- "you seem to know lot about this things ?! Do I need to investigate you ? "

Nishant :-" No ! I'm not involved in these things I'm a good citizen okay ! Aditya please tell him! "

Aditya and mr goenka just laughed. Aman too couldn't keep a straight face he too started laughing.

Nishant :- "God "

Aman :- "So like this gentleman said.. they were always doing drugs or always drunk. Vikram too started drinking and doing drugs......"

Aman was interrupted by nishant.

Nishant :- "And you didn't do anything ?!"

They all just gave Nishant a look.

Nishant :-"Okay sorry please continue."

Aman :- "I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen to me."

Aman said this while looking at nishant. Nishant just avoided to look at him.

Aman:- "He started getting in fights. I did everything I could to stop him. But he wouldn't listen. His parents got to know about all this. They sent him to hostel. But even they sent him back saying that his behavior was psychotic.
They even sent him to a therapist. I was there with him."


Therapist :- "Mr vikram I want you write down on this paper how many times you hurted others and why ?"

Vikram startes to write down on the paper. It's been 6 pages but he was still writing.

Vikram stopped writing at 10the page and gave the paper back to therapist.
She started reading the paper. She was horrified. After the session was over she handed the paper to aman to read.

Aman :- "God I still remember everything he wrote .. He once pushed a boy off the stairs just because he didn't help him with the homework.
And once he broke a boy's hand just because he just pissed him off. All the things were terrible."

Nishant :- "And what else he did? "

Aman :- "I can tell you all those things but you will have nightmares. "

Nishant :- "It's okay I don't want to know."

Aman :- "The therapist then refused to treat him. She was sacred that he will hurt her too."

Nishant :- "Even I would have been scared."

Aditya :- "Aaru is engaged to this guy God ! We don't have any idea what more horrible things he had done. She is in danger we need to act fast. "

Aman :" I can understand aditya but we need to be careful one wrong move and everything will go down hill. "

Aditya :- "you are right."

Mr goenka :- "you said he destroyed your family.. "

Aman:- "yes sir . Vikram's parents asked me to help vikram. I took him to my house I thought he will be happy to spend some time with my family. He will receive the love and care he needed. But I didn't know he was going to turn my life upside down."


NOTE - English is not my native language . So please forgive me if I did any mistake.

Ok seriously vikram did so many horrible things and pushing a guy off the stairs just because he didn't help you not good at all ! And we don't even know what more he has done! That We will find out in the coming chapters And What are your thoughts ? What will happen next ?
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