CHAPTER 23 - Ek duje ke vaaste

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Police found out Vikram's other illegal businesses. He was still in jail He was totally trapped. Every media channel was only showing vikram's news. His own father was not helping him.

And here Aarohi's father mr singhania were too shocked. He always thought vikram was a good guy. But now he realised how wrong he was. He decided to break this alliance. He called vikram's father mr Chauhan.

Mr singhania :- "Hello Mr chauhan."

Mr chauhan :- "I know why you called mr singhania. And I can understand."

Mr singhania :- "I'm sorry but I have to break this alliance. I can't risk my daughter's future. "

Mr chauhan :- "I understand mr singhania. Even I don't want aarohi to spend her life with vikram. Vikram is not good for her. She is a nice girl she will find someone who is good for her."

Mr singhania :- "Thank for your kind words for my daughter."

And with that mr singhania disconnects the call.

He went to aarohi's room. He knocked on the door. Aarohi quickly opened the door she was surprised to see her father.

Mr singhania :- "I want to talk to you about something."

Aarohi :- "Yes dad."

She let him in. He sat on the couch. Aarohi sat on the bed. She was anxious.

Mr singhania :-" I broke your alliance with vikram."

Aarohi was really surprised. She couldn't believe it. Did her father really broke the alliance? Is she free now ? All kind of questions ran through her mind. Her father could sense that she was having a hard time believing that he really broke the alliance which he forced on her.

Mr singhania :-" Yes beta I broke your alliance with vikram."

When her Father confirmed that he really broke her alliance with vikram. She was really happy. She couldn't hold back her tears . This time the tears were of joy. She was a free bird again.
Her father quickly hugged her. It was the first time he was hugging her. She was surprised but she hugged him back. He too had tears in his eyes. Tears of guilt and regret. He broke the hug and sat down beside her.

Mr singhania :- "I'm sorry beta . I shouldn't have fixed your marriage against your will. I knew you loved someone else.but still I ... I 'm sorry."

Aarohi :- "Dad Its ..."

Mr singhania :-" No's my fault Actual reason for not supporting your love was my past. I loved your mom dearly aarohi. But our marriage was falling apart it was my fault I never gave her the time she deserved. I was always working. I thought if I worked harder I will be able to earn more money and I will be able to give you and her everything. But she only wanted my time and love. But I failed to give her the only thing she needed.
One day she told me that she loved someone else. And she wanted a divorce."

Aarohi was shocked she knew and witnessed all their fights but she always thought that they still loved eachother. She always wondered why her mother left them . But now she knew exactly why.

Mr singhania :- "I was heartbroken. I thought I gave her everything but I was wrong. We had a huge fight . And we ended up getting a divorce. She wanted to take you with her but I refused. I couldn't afford to lose you too. But I couldn't take care of you. I always remembered her when I looked at you. And thought of her pained me. So I avoided you. When I got to know about aditya I was furious I remembered your mother and that made me even more angry. I'm so sorry aarohi I should have let her take you with her. Atleast you would have gotten all the love you deserved. "

Aarohi :-" Dad I can understand and I have forgiven you. "

Mr singhania kept his hand on aarohi's head and smiled.

Mr singhania :- "Go and meet your aditya aarohi."

Aarohi :- "You knew? "

Mr singhania :- "I figured it out at the lunch. They way you two looked at each other. They way you cared about each other. And I saw you two in the kitchen. But I just ignored it. But i'm not going to stop you now just go and meet your aditya. "

He smiled at her. Aarohi smiled back and hugged her father. He hugged her back.

Aarohi :- "Thank you so much dad !!"

She broke the hug and ran downstairs. She grabbed her car keys and ran to her car. She got in and started driving towards aditya's house.

The media somehow got to know that aarohi's father broke the alliance of vikram and aarohi. And now all the media was showing the breaking news.

Here even aditya got to know about the news.

-- "Breaking news Mr singhania and mr chauhan broke the alliance of Mr vikram chauhan and Miss Aarohi singhania!!!"

Aditya was too happy.

Aditya :- "Finally Aaru is free ! "

He couldn't hold back his tears of joy. He quickly grabbed his car keys and got in his car and started driving towards aarohi's house.
Aarohi and aditya saw each other. They quickly stopped their cars and got out. They both were smiling. Aditya opened his arms just like srk. Aarohi ran towards him and hugged him.

"People who are meant to be together will always find their way back To each other. They make detours in life but they are never lost " - unknown.

NOTE - English is not my native language . So please forgive me if I did any mistake.

Finally adirohi are together guys ! And that hug was so cute! Now we know why mr singhania acted this way he really loved his wife tho! And the last quote I really loved it and I thought it will be perfect for them!
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