CHAPTER 12- Ice cream

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Aarohi and aditya were sitting in there car eating there ice cream.

"Aaru do you feel better now ?" - aditya

"Yes much better ! You know me so well" - aarohi.

Aditya chuckled lightly. Aarohi then turned on the radio. They were playing her favorite song. Aarohi started singing. Aditya was looking at her . She looked so happy. No one would believe that she is the same girl who was upset few hours ago. Aditya too joined her. They were singing loudly. the song came to an end.

Aarohi was still singing . Her voice was so beautiful. Aditya got mesmerized.
Aarohi looked at aditya who was lost in her. She snapped her finger in front of his face. Aarohi laughed lightly at aditya's embarrassed face.

"Wow aaru you're voice is so beautiful.!" - aditya

"Adi but i'm still not going to participate in the singing compitition." - aarohi.

"Aaru why not you are a amazing singer. It Will be a shame if you didn't participate." - aditya.

"Adi we talked about this my main focus is football. You know I want to make my dad proud." - aarohi

"Aaru I know but listen you should be doing what you love and you're dad Will be proud. You don't have to do what he loves to make him proud." - aditya.

"No adi please I want to play football and you have to help me practice" - aarohi.

"Yes aaru don't worry main hoon na" - adi smiled.

"Filmy" - Aarohi.

Aarohi and aditya started laughing.
After they were finished eating.they threw the rappers in the dustbin.and they left for college.

Aarohi was so determined to play football and to make her dad proud. She totally forgot about her passion music. Aarohi was a amazing singer. She loved to sing and aditya knew how much she loved it and he tried to convince her daily to participate in the music compitition held by the college every year. But aarohi always refused.
But this time aditya was determined to make aarohi realise her passion.


NOTE - English is not my native language . So please forgive me if I did any mistake.

Sorry for the short chapter guys.
And please let me know did you guys like the chapter? What are your thoughts?

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