CHAPTER 14 - here i am

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"Stop being nervous aaru. You are going to rock it !" - aditya .

The music competition has begun and after this next performance it was aarohi's turn. And she was nervous. And aditya was trying to comfort her.

"But what if I screw up ! What if I forget the lyrics?! What if "... - aarohi

"Stop with what if okay your going to be fine okay. It's your favorite song Here I am so you're not going to forget the lyrics okay." - aditya.

"Okay" - aarohi

"Now our next contestant is Aarohi singhania !! "- host

"Oh my god! oh my god !!! "- aarohi panicked.

"Take a deep breath aaru".- aditya

Aarohi took a deep breath.

"You Feel better?" - aditya.

"Yes" - aarohi.

"Now go ! all the best!!" - aditya.

Aarohi took a deep breath again.and prayed to Ganpati bappa. And went up on the stage. There were so many people. She felt all eyes on her . Now She felt nervous even more. She closed her eyes. And started singing.

🎵When I was young🎵
I played for fun
Made up the words
Nobody heard
But now I see
All eyes on me
And suddenly
I'm in a dream

Aarohi was really nervous that's why her voice came out low .

I got a feeling now
Everything's right somehow

Here I am
Being who I want
Giving what I got
Never a doubt now
Here I go
Burning like a spark
Light up the dark again

She opened her eyes . She saw aditya standing in the front row. He smiled at her. Now she felt more confident while singing. Now her voice didn't came out low.

I'm stepping up
Right to the top
That's how I'm wired
I take it higher
I'm in control
I broke the mould
The girl you see
Is up to me

I'm lifting off the ground
Finding the perfect sound

Here I am
Being who I want
Giving what I got
Never a doubt now
Here I go
Burning like a spark
Light up the dark again
Again and again and again

There's a star that's right inside you
So come on and let it out
Find out what you're about and just shout
"Here I Am"

Being who I want
Giving what I got
Never a doubt now
Here I go
Burning like a spark
Light up the dark again

Here I am
Being who I want
Giving what I got
Never a doubt now
Here I go
Burning like a spark
Light up the dark again

Here I am
Being who I want
Giving what I got
Never a doubt now
Here I go
Burning like a spark
Light up the dark again
Again and again and again
🎵Again and again and again and again🎵

Everyone was cheering for Aarohi. she bowed to the crowd and got off from the stage. The crowd was still cheering for aarohi. Aarohi saw aditya approaching her . He ran up to her and hugged her tightly. Aarohi too hugged him back tightly.

"You did it aaru!! You rocked the stage ! I'm so proud of you!! "- aditya.

"It's all because of you adi!" - aarohi.

They broke the hug.

"Aaru.. "- aditya.

"No adi it's all because of you. If you didn't convince me I would have never realised my love for music . I would have never realised how much I love to sing. I feel so happy right now!! And it's all because of you !! "- Aarohi.

Aditya just cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead. Aarohi closed her eyes and smiled. Aarohi and aditya were so happy.

"They look so cute together right !" - neha .

"Yes you are right! "- nishant.

Nishant wiped his tears .

"Are you crying ?! "- neha .

"Yes just look at them!They are perfect! together ! Rab ne bana di jodi! "- Nishant.

Neha just smiled at him. He is not that bad she thought.


Now it was time for result. The audience was going to decide who was the winner. Aarohi and aditya were nervous. Aarohi held aditya's hand . She was totally freaking out. he squeezed her hand to reassure her. Aditya was nervous too.

Neha and nishant were nervous too.

"And the winner is ...."

Neha held nishant's hand . He looked at her awkwardly. She just glared at him.

"The winner is.... Aarohi singhania. "- host.

Everyone cheered for her. Aarohi couldn't believe that she won. Aditya hugged aarohi.

"Aaru you won !!! "- aditya.

"I won" ... Aarohi had tears in her eyes.

Aarohi huuged aditya back. They broke the hug. Then neha came running and hugged aarohi tightly.

"Aarohi you won!! "- Neha.

Later nishant also hugged aarohi. And congratulated her.
Aarohi Went up on the stage and received the trophy and certificate.
The host congratulated aarohi. He gave her the mic to say something.

"Thank you so much for this trophy.
There were so many best contestants. Who gave amazing performances.
Today I'm here because of aditya.if adi didn't convince me to participate I would have never realised my love for music. how much I love singing Thank you for supporting me adi.this is for you.. And thank you so much my friends neha and nishnat. Who supported me ."- Aarohi

The crowd cheered for her.
She got off from the stage and hugged aditya . He hugged her back.


NOTE - English is not my native language . So please forgive me if I did any mistake.

I really love this song "here I am" that's why I wanted aarohi to sing this song and guys you can hear the song I added the video up!
And please let me know ,did you guys like the chapter? What are your thoughts? And thank you so much for reading this chapter!

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