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Julie Molina
She's the girl who rarely to never speaks up in class. The one who's always in the back afraid to be seen. The one who constantly gets pushed to the ground by the popular girls. She walks alone outside with her AirPods in listening to whatever she feels like listening to that day. There's one thing that no one knows about her. She has a voice of an angel. But with her terrible stage fright she never auditions for the school musical like she desperately wants to. So instead she always is a stage hand , never in the spotlight but still apart of the experience. It's not really what she hoped for but it was the close second.

Luke Patterson
He's the guy everyone in the school knows. He's the popular kid with a big group of friends that surrounds him. He hates it but it's just what happened to him. However Luke isn't the traditional popular kid whose rude and cruel like Carrie Wilson or Flynn , he's sweet and cares for people. He's doesn't feed into being popular and prefers being involved in as many music related activities as possible. Therefore he's always the male lead in the school musical. Carrie is always the female lead and she always makes it seem like it's some shocker. Luke hates that girl but she always finds a way to be around him and all over him. Luke just a wants some sort of escape and the theater used to be that , but now that Carrie and his "fans" followed him to it , that doesn't work. He enjoys being around people and helping them of course but he wants to someone to be around him not just cuz hes "the popular guy" but just as a normal human being.

They both strive for something that can't quite grasp that's a known factor. They want to be in a different place with different experiences. Maybe this years musical might be different then others who knows? That's the whole point of life isn't it? Never knowing what's going to happen in the next few minutes.

Welp that was kinda short but it's a filler / beginner chapter so nothing to dwell over. The next chapter will be longer and blah blah blah. Anyways hope y'all enjoy what's to come of this new book and

Til next time
-Peyton 💜

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