13. Long Way To Go

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It it now the following day and Julie is sitting in her room ranting about her date with Luke to Alex.

Julie : And then we went skating and danced together for each song it was honestly just amazing

Alex : you two are so adorable it's sickening. So tell me why did you say no when he asked for you to be his girlfriend?

Julie pauses for a second to process her answer

Julie : to be honest I don't want to let my guard down yet. I mean Luke's a great guy and all but I'm still unsure if I should let him in on that level yet.

Alex : I get it J. Especially after everything you've been through letting down your walls can be tough. However if this man sends me random shit one more time to get me to convince you to date him I'll kill the both of you.

Julie : -chuckles- noted. Thanks Lex, now how's Reggie?

Alex cracks a huge smile and crashes on Julies bed.

Alex : he's great he can't be anything but great. Now that we're back together everything feels complete I guess. I'm happy J I really am.

Julie : I'm happy for you lover boy

They both chuckle as Carlos rushes through the door.

Carlos : I heard laughing is he here?!

Julie : No Carlos Luke isn't here it's just Alex and I

Carlos : ugh frick. Anyways mom said she had something to tell you. She's in the studio

Julie : Alright I'll be right there

Carlos leaves just as Alex stands up. He waves her goodbye and exits out her door. Julie makes her way to the garage and sits down at the piano next to Rose. Roses face has got a bit pale and the pink from her cheeks has faded. Her eyes are more sunken in with tired bags underneath them.

Julie : you wanted me Mami?

Rose : yes darling um I'm going away for a bit so I need you to look after Carlos. I just have some stuff to deal with and Luke could even stay over to help you if you want.

Julie : Where are you going?

Rose : out of town don't worry I'll be back soon

Julie : okay I'll take care of him

Rose : thank you my love now that that is said I do have to leave before it gets too late in the day.

Carlos peaks his head into the garage and runs up to Rose to hug her legs. Julie joins in hugging her by the waist with glossy eyes.

Julie : we'll miss you Mami

Carlos : love you

Rose : love you too mijo I must take my leave

Rose kisses their foreheads and walks out disappearing into the world. Carlos looks up and Julie with pleading puppy eyes.

Carlos : Hey Julie?

Julie : yeah buddy?

Carlos : can you play me the song mama taught us when we were little?

Julie : of course

Julie sits back down at the piano and begins playing as her fingers move effortlessly on the keys. She closes her eyes and begins to sing as well the song she has known all her life.

Through the whole song Carlos was in awe resting his head on his arm leaning on the piano. He always loved his sisters voice. It reminded him of his mom whatever she was anyway for a gig. But also just the softness that came with it. Her singing gave him that feeling of joy just by hearing the song that gave from her heart.

Suddenly , they both hear a knock at the door. Carlos springs up as soon as he sees who's standing there in his classic muscle shirt and sweatpants. Carlos jumps in his arms embracing him tightly.

Carlos : Hi Luke! Did you come to play with me?!

Luke : hey little man and yeah why else would I be here?!

Julie : I could think of a couple reasons

Julie smirks at Luke as he blushes. He places Carlos back on the ground and gives him a thumbs up signaling that he'd be up soon. Carlos sprints out the door leaving the two teens. Luke inches closer and takes Julie's hand in his.

Luke : so Mrs Molina , I heard something about me living here for the next few days?

Julie : where did you hear something silly like that Patterson? The only thing you'll be doing is helping me out with watching Carlos while my moms away. Living here isn't in the job description

Luke : ughhh just let me love you!!!

Julie : oh sweetie

Julie pats his chest and kisses his cheek

Julie : you have a long way to go

Tada!!! Guess who's back back back. Back again! Sorry if this one's a little short the next one shall be longer I promise I just wanted some cute Carlos and Julie moments to warm the heart. And if any of you were wondering no I did not kill Asia for spoiling and she says hi. That's all for now be back soon!

Til next time
-Peyton 💜

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