9. What are we Waiting for Then?

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It's the day before belle callbacks and half way through rehearsal. Julie is spiking the stage humming to herself the song her and Luke have been working on. Luke is walking around stage practicing "If I Can't Love Her" casually sneaking glances at Julie. In the back of the house (auditorium) Carrie and Flynn are watching practically trying to burn Julie with their glares.

Carrie : somethings going on with those two I can feel it

Flynn : they have been getting closer lately dont ya think?

Carrie : not for long come on let's get the rest of the girls I have an idea

Flynn : what are we waiting for then?

Carrie smirks and kisses Flynn as she passes her leaving the auditorium first. Flynn devilishly bites her lip and follows close behind Carrie.

After an hour Luke and Julie take a break grabbing some waters from the vending machine. They get into a conversation about who knows what when they both get tapped on the shoulder. They turn their attention to Reggie with his head on Alex's shoulder. Julie gasps happily and starts jumping up and down. Luke just eaves to them completely oblivious.

Alex : hey J , Luke. Reginald this is Julie my best friend the one I've told you all about

Reggie lifts his head and walks up to Julie to shake her hand.

Reggie : nice to meet actually meet you Julie I'm Reggie

Julie : hi Reggie nice to meet you too and can I just say I'm so happy for you y'all are so cute!!!

Alex scratches the back of his head and blushes slightly.

Alex : thanks J

Luke : happy about what exactly?

Julie : you're kidding right?

Luke : nope I don't get it

Reggie : This should help

Reggie walks up to Alex and kisses his cheek getting up on the tips of his toes. He looks back at Luke giving the same confused look.

Luke : what?

Julie smacks Luke in the back of the head and puts her hands pointing towards the other two boys

Julie : They're dating you idiot!!

Luke : OOOOOOOHHH wait Reg you're gay?

Reg : uh yeah just gayer then you

Julies eyes widen and she whirls her head over to Luke.

Julie : huh? Did I miss something?

Luke chuckles and pats Julies head

Luke : I'm pan idiot I thought everyone knew that

Julie : phew - I mean cool

Luke raises an eyebrow as Reggie and Alex chuckle trying hard to keep in their laughter. Reggie whispers in Alex's ear.

Reg : lemme guess she likes him?

Alex : yup and lemme guess he's blind too

Reg : yup

Alex : I love that we're on the same wave length

Reg : me too

Alex wraps his arm around Reggie and turn into the conversation that's happening with Julie and Luke.

Luke : I'm telling you Julie she's gunna love your new found bravery there's no way she won't give you the part!!

Julie : well I don't wanna get my hopes up for something that might not happen

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