4. Lets Take A Drive

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Warning ⚠️ Verbal and physical Abuse  mentioned

He lead her out to his car and they drove off. They didn't know exactly where they were going but it didn't matter. That was their time to be free from the world around them. Two strangers that are becoming friends taking a road trip together. It was now the next morning at around 10am and they were some where else in Cali just not sure where.But they could always use google maps to get back home so they just kept going.

Luke : so what's your story?

Julie : my what?

Luke : your story like what are you about really I mean I hardly even know you

Julie : well I moved here in freshman year , I have a little brother and parents.

Luke pulls over to a hillside over the lake and parks the car. He keeps the keys in and looks at her

Luke : no no no I mean your real story. Like the messed up shit

Julie : why?

Luke : it's a way to connect with people dealing with the same shit. Tell ya what I'll tell you my story first how bout that?

Julie : alright spill

Julie puts her chin on her fist and leans on her knee to listen.

Luke : Well my dad died when I was a kid and my mom yells at me all the time about doing something "more manly" then school musicals and chorus and etc. Reggies my best friend who's been like my second family and I stay at his house most of the time. His moms are nice to me and treat me like their own son. And although I seem like I have anything together , I have server depression but try not to let it affect me too much and hope that I never forget to take my meds. Welp that's my shit your turn.

Julie was stunned at what she just her all in one breath. This was definitely not was she was expecting for the popular guy. She felt sorry for him but also related to him. She put her hand on his knee and looked up at him.

Julie : Luke I'm so sorry you have to deal with that stuff that must be hard.

Luke : one day at a time and point worry I'm fine and always have been. You're turn missy

Julie : okay so as you know I have serious anxiety and minor panic attacks. I'd burry myself in my work to try and prevent them but keeping focus. It doesn't really work but I try anyway. My mom works two jobs one as a nurse and the other as a musicians you know so I rarely see her. My dad....I mean my brother Carlos is basically like my child cause I have to take care of him all day while our moms at work and my best friend Alex helps by bringing us to school everyday. I never felt I belonged anywhere or with anyone so I never tried to join anything or make many friends. So when you don't have friends you get bullies named Flynn and Carrie.

Luke : wow that's rough Jules but you're very brave taking care of your brother like that while your moms away. I do have a question tho

Julie : yeah?

Luke : you started to talk about your dad but then hesitated and changed the subject. Why is that?

Julie : oh it's nothing there was just nothing to talk about

Julie waves her hand in dismissal and rubs the back of her neck and flinches in pain.

Julie : right that's still there damn I hope he didn't notice.

Luke did notice and he looked worried. He tried to look at her neck but she turned away.

Luke : Julie are you hurt? What happened?

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