7. Bit of A Break

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Warning ⚠️ mention of sh

So we've been spending a lot of time talking about Julie and Lukes relationship evolving but now we're gunna check in with the best friends.

Reggie is like the Gretchen wieners  of the school. He knows almost everything about everyone. However unlike Gretchen he doesn't use his information about people against them

Alex is an outspoken yet shy person. He isn't afraid to show his goofy side around people he trusts and he's friends with but everyone he plays shy to.

Reggie and Alex were a thing at one point but broke up in the summer a year ago because they just never saw each other anymore. They did miss being with one another because they're both so different but that was what made them work. They both comforted each other with their deepest most difficult secrets

As of now Alex is walking down the hallway just trying to get a break from English. As he's walking he scrolls through Instagram while listening to his playlist. Soon he bumps someone's shoulder and immediately takes out his headphones.

Alex : oh my gosh I'm so sorry I hit you I should've been paying more- Reginald?

Reggie turns around and locks eyes with Alex. After a slight nervous chuckle Reggie speaks.

Reggie : Alex hey..

Alex : I haven't seen you much how have you been?

Reggie : oh you know here and there how about you

Alex : the usual Starbucks annoying classes yknow how it is

Reggie chuckles and nods his head

Alex : so what  are you doing out here?

Reggie : just walking. my free period is right now and I didn't feel like staying in the room for 40 minutes so I've been roaming the halls.

Alex : I'm in English but boredom was taking over me so I asked to see the nurse and now im just walking back and forth down the hallway.

Reggie : say neither of us wanna be here right now and we haven't seen each other in a hot minute so why not we go skip and grab a coffee maybe?

Alex : uh yeah sure that sounds good

Reggie : okay get your stuff meet you at the front in 5

Alex : okay got it

Alex and Reggie did this sort of thing back when they were together. Alex used to freak out about it saying they'd get caught and get in big trouble but after a while he gave up and decided to run with Reggies free spirit. Alex made his way back to his classroom while his teacher was facing the board and couldn't see him. He snuck over to his desk and retrieved all his things and snuck back out the classroom door without making a sound. He effortlessly walked up to the front where he saw his handsome punk looking ex boyfriend twiddling his fingers.

Alex : hey

Reggie turned around with a huge smile on his face

Reggie : Hey! You ready to bounce?

Alex : yeah I'm ready

Reggie : alright let's go

***time skip to the coffee shop***

Cashier : hi welcome what can I get for you?

Alex : I'll have mocha caramel latte chino , made with skim milk no whipped cream. Please put that in a grande cup , but use the same amount of coffee that you put into a tall. That way there's about an inch on top to stir in my own nutmeg without spilling any coffee at all. Thank you

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