10. Friends Don't

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It's the end of the school day so it's finally time for callbacks. Julie is stand outside the auditorium shaking out her hands and taking deep breaths. The boys are behind her hyping her up for her audition. Alex is holding her tea that she drinks every few seconds to clear her throat , Reggie is rubbing her shoulders to relax her and Luke is of course giving her words of encouragement.

Luke : you got this Jules you're the best out of all those girls I know - we know you'll blow Mrs H away

Julie : phew okay I think I'm ready

The all step into the auditorium and take a seat in the middle of stage left. They talk amongst themselves as Carrie and Flynn walk up to Julie.

Carrie : so little Mrs slut decided to come back huh?

Flynn : you sure you're not gunna run away and piss your pants again?

Carrie and Flynn giggle as Julie steps up in front of them

Julie : you're one to talk about pissing pants Flynn when if I remember correctly you did that in freshman year. Oh and y'all are calling me a slut when y'all have slept with the entire school and had not one but THREE almost pregnancies. Yeah so talk your shit cuz babes I have more.

Julie smirks and blows the girls a kiss as they storm off to the opposite side of the auditorium. Satisfied she sits back down and turn towards the boys who's mouths are all dropped.

Julie : what?

Alex : okay who are you and what have you done with my shy best friend?

Julie : I guess she got fed up with being tossed around by the two biggest whores of the school.

Reggie : I am so glad I met you. You need a crown for that

Julie : thx Reg

Everyone looks over at Luke who's still speechless.

Julie : Luke you alright?

Luke leans over to Ralex and whispers to them

Luke : that was pretty hot

Alex : who called it? Me that's who

Reggie : uh Luke either you have mints in your pockets or you've got something else happening down there.

Luke looks down and goes into his pocket and pulls out mints and gum.

Reggie : phew okay that would've been awkward

Luke : y'all want some?

Ralex : nah we're good

Julie : hey Luke?

Luke turns his full attention back to Julie

Luke : uh yeah?

Julie : did you just call me hot?

Julie smirks as Luke panics

Luke : whaaaatttt???? Noooooo?!

Julie : hmmmmmmm okayyyy whatever you say pretty boi

Luke : awe did you just call me pretty

Julie : what? No?

Luke : ooh I get it ha ha you're sooo funny

Julie : I am aren't I

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