15. It's Never This Quiet

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Two weeks later was the funeral. Julie stands right outside the room like she had during auditions. This time was some much different though. This time instead of facing a fear she has to face a room of people all there to see their loved one for the last time. There was very little chatter coming from the room it was almost completely silent. This day came with no warning at all not even a sign to Julie nor Carlos that a couple weeks ago would be the last time they would experience the warm embrace and love from their mother.

Julie became Carlos's legal guardian as their uncle lives too far away and their dad is in prison. The responsibility was a lot to take in for her but it also worked as a distraction. Taking care of her brother as soon as she told him the horrible news was a way to turn away from her emotions and focus on calming him down. Julie did that a lot with people. She'd feel numb and didn't want to feel it anymore so she'd help someone else with their feelings. She knew it was unhealthy for her to do that but it was just her way of coping and she didn't know what else to do as an alternative. The priest called everyone the room to start the funeral. Julie took a deep shakey breath and walked in. There laying before her was her mother face pale laying in a rose covered box placed as if she were sleeping. Julie hesitated for a moment but walks up to the front and sits down beside Carlos on her left , Luke on her right and Alex beside Carlos. She invited Reggie but he felt out of place considering he didn't know Rose as well as the other two. So he stayed home so they could have time with Rose.

The service began and Julie tuned out everything the priest was saying. She couldn't bare hearing a man who didn't even know her speak about her life. She still is not completely wanting to except that her mother is gone and never coming back. She took Lukes and Carlos's hands in hers and held them tight as she let a few tears slip down from her cheeks. Julie and Luke haven't talked in those two weeks all they were doing was taking Carlos to school and attempting to accept each other's company. They both lack opening up when it comes to their emotions so they remained silent and just hugged each other occasionally. Suddenly Julie felt a tap on her hand and tuned back in to the world around her. She looked up to see the priest looking at her.

Priest : Mrs. Julie you said you had a song that you wanted to preform for your mother?

Julie hesitated but nodded and stood up in front of the room. Breathing shakily she took the microphone and addressed the people in the room.

Julie : um this song was the song that my mom would sing to my brother and I ever since were babies. Whether we were sad or sleepy or anything in between she would sing the song and so I'll be singing it today. We love you mama and we'll miss you like crazy.

Julie sniffles and begins the recorded music. Her hands shake a bit and she almost gives up until Carlos comes up and hugs her waist. She put her hand on his back and lifted the microphone to her lips and began singing.

The song ends and Julie hugs Carlos tight and the two of them sit back down in their chairs. More tears spill from Julie's eyes and she hides her face in her knees. She feels Carlos rest his head on her back and pat her back as well. She also starts to feel drops of her back which meant he was tearing up as well. She lifts her head up and takes him in her arms holding his tight as they both silently cried.


The four of them left the funeral home empty hearted. That was it, Carlos and Julie saw their mother for the last time. There still wasn't any form of conversation between the siblings and Julies friends. It didn't seem right they just needed a comfortable silence to breathe through what they just witnessed. Without warning they all join together in a hug all needing that sense of warmth and embrace. Alex and Carlos break from the hug but Julie and Luke remain. Luke rubs her back gently and barries his face in her hair. A few sniffles were exchanged between the two until Luke spoke.

Luke : Jules I'm so sorry

That was all that was spoken. Nothing else but another group hug as the sky cried with rain and thunder.

That's all for this chapter guys that's all I really have to say.

Til next time
-Peyton 💜

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