16. A Little At A Time

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Hours to turned into days and days turned into weeks. Julie and Luke both returned to the musical and Mrs Harrison did agree to push the show dates further so they could have more time. She understood the grieving process and could see the light flicking in Julies eyes. It was still there but very faint and who knows what would happen if that light completely burned out. The two people have been talking to each other more once again but no more joking about whether or not they would be together. Although Luke still had feelings for Julie and Julie did as well for him, they thought it was better to hold off for a while since a relationship is definitely not what they need at the moment.

Becoming a guardian for a young boy was a big change to Julie however it was a little simpler than she had expected. Carlos makes himself food since he doesn't want to bother Julie and most of the time just stays either in his room or the studio laying on the ground. He and Julie would sometimes sneak into their mothers bedroom and just lay on her bed breathing in her perfume that remained in the air as over time the smell just soaked into the carpets. Their mother only smelled of flowers which is pretty ironic when you think about it. Specifically dahlias which were her favorite flowers. They would always be in her room or sitting in a vase on the piano as she played the most beautiful music for her loving children getting ready for a show or just messing around.

Julie admired and missed a lot about her mother. She missed the way she cooked, her funny jokes regarding her and Luke, her singing, the way she played piano and so much more. Her mothers necklace that she wore for as long as Julie could remember was now around her neck and would most likely never be taken off. Julie would not have the heart or the strength to ever take off the necklace out of fear of loosing one of the most important things that belonged to her mother.

Carlos misses the little things about his mother too. How she would fight with him to give up the tablet during dinner, their sword fights when he was younger, her laughter and the song she sang to him and Julie. It was become a routine now that every night before bed Carlos would ask Julie to sing the song and although it caused her great pain she always agreed. She wanted to make her brother feel more relaxed and if that means singing the song that she wanted to avoid the most every night then so be it.

Julies healing process is rocky of course because why wouldn't it be. She gets night terrors now about getting that phone call and thus results in more frequent panic attacks. She tries to stay strong for Carlos but inside she is a puzzle halfway complete. Some of her is healed for the most part others are still completely broken. She gets flashbacks of her mother more each day and so does Carlos. Some are could for coping however most are just a constant reminder that Rose was gone and not coming back.

Healing takes a long time as we all know especially after the death of a loved one and it's easier to take it a little at a time.

Hey y'all it's been a while I know and this is kinda short so take it as a filler chapter or update I guess. I've been really busy lately and some stuff going on that I haven't been as active as I want to. Hopefully though I can get back to it again and continue this story.

Oh and Asia says hi smh

Til next time
-Peyton 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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