14. What Would I Be Without You?

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Luke has been staying at Julie's house for a week in a half helping her look after Carlos while their mom is away. Carlos became attached to Luke even more than earlier and pulls him away from his sister to play with him. They are currently running around the house shooting nerf guns at each other while Julie stands in the doorway with a smile on her face and shaking her head at their antics.

Carlos : you'll never take me alive!! Pew! Pew!

Carlos shoots nerf bullets at Luke but he dodges them and hides behind the couch.

Luke : nice try little dude I'm unbeatable!!!

Luke runs to Carlos and picks him up spinning him around like an airplane. Carlos laughs and wiggles trying to get loose.

Carlos : lukeeee put me downnnn

Luke : alright if you say so

Luke chucks Carlos on the couch and ruffles his hair. Julie giggles while Carlos tries to attack Luke.

Julie : alright alright that's enough you two Los you have baseball practice then your staying at Wills house we gotta go

Carlos : do we have to??

Luke : you gotta kick the other kids butt little dude ofc you have to go

Carlos : you're right I'll be in the car

Carlos puts on his shoes and grabs his duffel bag with his baseball stuff and extra clothes inside it and walks out to the car. Julie looks over to Luke and smiles widely

Julie : I know I say it a lot but I appreciate you helping take care of him he really likes you

Luke : no problem he's a great kid and I'll do anything for you Jules

Julie : thanks I'll do anything for you as well

Luke : likeeee be my girlfriend?

Julie : hmmmm not yet but good try

Julie winks at him taking his keys and goes to the car and drives off to drop off Carlos. Once she gets back she feels an urge to go to the studio and she does just that. Once she arrives she wraps her guitar around her and begins playing a pumped up song she's been messing around with for a while. She gets so into it that she starts jumping around feeling all the energy course through her veins.

She stops playing breathing heavily still feeling the high of excitement. Suddenly she hears claps coming from behind her and giggles nervously already knowing who it is. She turns around and is met with Luke close to her face looking down at her smirking.

Julie : something you wanna say Patterson?

Luke : who's the song about?

Julie : I don't know what you're talking about

Julie saids sarcastically while stepping away putting her guitar down. Luke pouts and crosses his arms furrowing his eyebrows.

Luke : come onnnnn it has to be about me

Julie : maybe it is maybe it isn't the world may never know

Luke : what is this a tootsie pop commercial?

Julie : I don't know why don't you go ask mr owl how many licks it takes to get to the tootsie center of a tootsie pop

Julie chuckles and tries walking out of the room but is yanked back gently but still kind of forced. She finds herself in a dip like position with Luke looking at her in her eyes which makes her heart flutter.

Luke : Jules I'm in love with you and you clearly feel something towards me or you wouldn't have gone on a date with me or confessed in the auditorium. So what are we waiting for?

Julie : Luke I-

The phone rings and Julie gets out of his grasp to answer it. She picks up the phone and holds it closely to her ear.

Julie : hello? Yes is she may I ask why you're  calling?

A silence filled the room for a moment before Julie drops the phone and falls to her knees on tears. Luke immediately goes to her and holds her rubbing her back not even needing an answer why. She lets her cry holding her close wiping her tears every so often.
Julie begins to speak but it comes out shakey and broken.

Julie : my- my mom s-she got sick and th-they couldn't help h-her s-she's gone

Julie whimpers once again grabbing tightly onto Luke's back. He says nothing but keeps rubbing her back and putting his head on her shoulder. A tear leaves his eyes as well since Rose felt like the mom he dreamed of. But now she's gone like most of the good things on his life. All except Julie.

Luke : I'm so sorry Jules I'll stay here with you for as long as you want and I'll call Mrs H telling her we won't be in rehearsal for a bit to give you some time.

They stay on the floor for what felt like days just hugging with the small sniffles being the only sound on the room. All the magic and laughter has disappeared from the room as if it never existed. They both felt like their world just fell into pieces and neither of them could do nothing about it. You can't cheat death that's the part of life that sucks. The emptiness Julie finally recovered from after so long just returned to her and she stopped crying and felt, nothing. She didn't feel sad , didn't feel angry or scared she just felt nothing.

Even though Rose wasn't his mom, Luke grieved as well a lot. He felt that pain in his heart that he once felt long ago and he hated it. It felt like something was sitting on his chest making it impossible to breathe correctly. He loved Rose , she was kind and respectful and funny to be around. Everything he wanted in a mother figure, Rose was to him and it hurts a lot now knowing that something he strives for was taken away too soon.

The unsteadiness remained in the room throughout that night. The lump in Julies throat grew larger realizing that she has to tell Carlos that his mom passed away without getting to say goodbye. But that was to worry about later as Julie and Luke still sit together in silence rethinking the call over and over in their minds. Wishing and praying it's wasn't their reality.

Okay okay I'm sorry I had to do that. Im a monster I know I should've gave y'all a warning but I'm mean like that sometimes.

Til next time
-Peyton 💜

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