8. Julie be honest

385 13 42

⚠️ PTSD ⚠️

Julie and Luke have been practicing nonstop for a while and have grown closer as friends. They've shared multiple laughs together whenever one of them messed up on a note. Julie felt this sort of comfort around Luke that she hasn't felt in a while. The way he tells her that it's okay if she's nervous and that she's talented and she can do anything just lights up her heart and makes her feel alive.

They're sitting in the band room after school taking a break from practice. Luke keeps going on and on about his writing process and his music creativity and Julie just sits there taking in every word. She admires how passionate he gets when he talks about music , it's very admirable to her. Him pacing back and forth gesturing his hands waving them every which way rambling on about his art , it was breathtaking to her. And she admired his little stutters every so often they made her gleam through her giggle.

Luke : the feeling of the vibration of a guitar string under my fingers I-it-it's I don't know sensational! It's like I have the power of everything right under my fingers and everything just falls into place.

Luke finally slumps down on a stool to take a breath and signs.

Julie : you really love it huh?

Luke : yeah it's the best thing in the world. Music is my safe place so to speak. It calms me , supports me when I'm angry or sad or just content. It gives me a place to put all of my concealed feelings, a place to belong I guess.

Julie : I wish I had something like that. A place to belong? Sure I like to do things like this but I lock my feelings up rather than have a place to put them all. I guess I don't know where I belong or rather maybe theres not a place at all.

(Ayo don't judge my song choices but I just thought this fit really well with the vibe of this part in the chapter so don't at me)

Luke and Julie find themselves dancing together as they sing. The tension in the room isn't thick , in contrast it's peaceful. They dance together in a perfect balance like they are two waves flowing in the ocean. They end standing in front of each other gazing in each other's eyes while breathing someone heavily after their whole dance number that just occurred. A piece of hair falls in Julies face and Luke slowly pushes it back as Julie feels her breath hitch away from her. She feels out of body but jumps back in and moves away from Luke and puts her hair in a high bun quickly.

Julie : um- okay so where did we leave off?

Julie scurries over to the piano and stressful flips through sheet music looking for the song they were last on. Luke watches her actions and moves closer to her and puts his hands over hers to stop her from moving through the paper.

Luke : Julie stop stop

Julie : we have to work Luke callbacks are quickly approaching and we're- I'm - we're running of time.

Luke : Just take a breather we can stop for today

Julie : no no we can't we have to work

Luke goes to try and put a hand on her shoulder but she slaps it away.


Julie gasps and goes down to the floor and covers her head closing her eyes.

Julie : okay okay I'm sorry I didn't mean it please don't hurt me please!

Luke : Julie I'm not gunna hurt you why would I do that?

Julie : No you always say that to mama and Carlos but you hurt me! Please I'm sorry for yelling just please don't hurt me!

Julie begins to sob as Luke leans down the floor next to her. He cradles her in his arms and rubs her shoulder to attempt to calm her down. As he doing this her jacket slips off her shoulder and reveals her back and arms (she's wearing a tank top). Her back and arms are covered in scars and bruises a gives Luke a sense of worry and uneasiness. During this observation Julie calms down and wipes the tears from her puffy red eyes.

Julie : thank you Luke *sniffles*

Luke : Um Julie this might be a bad time but what's on ur back?

Julie looks over her shoulder to see her arms and upper back completely exposed. She rises from Lukes arm and rushes to put her jacket back on the right way.

Julie : Nothing it's nothing!

Luke : Julie it's okay just be honest

Julie : no youll tell me I'm lying

Luke : no I won't I promise Julie just be honest

Julie signs and takes off her jacket to reveal the bruises and scars once again.

Julie : my dad when he got drunk he'd hit me. Even if he was sober no matter what I did he'd punish me somehow like scratch me with broken bottles or just punch me. It hurt for a while but then I got used to it. Now I envision him whenever I make a mistake and break down.

Luke doesn't speak he just pulls her into a tight embrace rubbing her back. Julie holds onto him and barriers her head in the crook of his shoulder.

Luke : Julie you're alright now he's gone remember? You never have to live like that anymore.

Julie : thank you Luke you're the best

Luke : I'll always be here for you love

Julie eyes widen as she replays what she just heard come out of Lukes mouth. A big smile creeps on her face and they stay in that hugging position for another half hour just enjoying each others embrace and company.

Woahhhh ayooooo it's been a hot minute but here ya goooo more tramaaaa woooooooo
Anyways love y'all

Til next time
-Peyton 💜

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