12. Two in a Million

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(I know I've done rain scenes before but I just love them so much don't judge my life. Also there may or may not be some more of Lukes backstory ahead)

Luke takes her hand down the hill and leads her down. The sun has set to a pinkish glow with the moon above peaking out behind the clouds. They get to the bottom and start walking down a crooked trail.

Julie : you're not about to murder me are you?

Luke chuckles and shakes his head

Julie : okay then Id at least want to know a sliver of where in the fuck knuckles we are

Luke : just be patient tiny one

Julie sticks her tongue out at Luke as they continue walking as rain starts dripping down. A few moments later and they arrive in front of a gazebo.

Luke : this is where some of my greatest memories are

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Luke : this is where some of my greatest memories are. I normally don't take anyone here not even Reggie knows about it but I thought out of everyone in the world I'd want you to see it.

Julie : wow Luke thank you for bringing me here. If you don't mind me asking , why haven't you told anyone about this place?

Luke : well....being the "popular guy" I never got too much alone time. And with everything happening at home , and my mental health decreasing this was the only spot that was a break away from all that. If there was two things I've learned from my life it would be to fake a smile everyday and never let anyone see the other side of me cuz no one ever really did. All they saw was Mr Popular the guy everyone knows and who they " aspire to be"

Julie puts her hand on top of Lukes as she looks up at him.

Julie : You don't have to fake a smile Luke , fro this whole period of time for when I got to know you I've figured out who you are. I see you for who you are not some stupid school hierarchy. Thank you for taking me here. Hey,

Julie lifts up her hand underneath Lukes chin to turn his head to face her

Julie : why dont we walk in the rain for a bit that's be fun huh?

Luke : yeah sure

They walk out of the gazebo and feel the rain pour on them once more. Julie starts spinning around in it and laughing uncontrollably. Luke grabs her hands and they spin together now both laughing as the space between them gets smaller every second. Now they're about a foot apart from each other as Luke feeds his fingers through Julies hair.

Luke : I want you to know Jules I see you too. Through what I've seen you go through and what you've told me , I feel like I finally get a closer look at who Juliana Rosalie Molina really is

Julie : how'd you know my middle name?

Luke : you're mom told me

Julie : ugh mami

Luke : oh stop I like it

Luke chuckles as he pulls Julie in to share a romantic kiss. Julie smiles within into the kiss and Luke feels like he's on top of the world.  Suddenly thunder strikes which scares the crap out of Julie. She grabs a hold of Lukes back and puts her face in the Crook of his neck instantly shaking. Luke picks her up with no hesitation and starts walking back to the car. Once back at the car he opens Julies door so she could get in. He tries to pull her off him but he grip just pulls tighter and she shakes her head profusely. Luke understands and shuts her door and walks over to his side.

He gets in with Julie on his lap still greatly attached and starts up the car. During the whole car ride Julie is stuck to Luke and just grips on tighter with every thunder crash. They pull up to another place and Luke parks the car.

Luke : Julie come on it's okay now. Here in the trunk I have some extra clothes that your mom provided since I told her where we were going. Put those on inside and you can even wear one of my hoodies and a beanie if you want.

Julie perks up at the sound of hoodie and beanie and admittedly climbs over to get the clothes. Once she finds the clothes she decides to just change in the car. Luke Los face goes beat red as he accidentally sees Julie take her dress off in the trunk. He covers his eyes and looks down at his feet just for good measure

Luke : umm Julie w-why are you changing in here you could've changed inside

Julie puts on her tank top that her mom gave Luke and pulls out her hair and starts putting in two braids.

Julie : I didn't want to change in gross bathroom stalls plus I felt like it

Julie then pulls on her ripped skinny jeans and zippers them up. Afterwards she pulls on Lukes hoodie and his gray beanie. Lastly she puts on the flannel she found in Lukes trunk.

Luke : okay are you done? Can i uncover my eyes?

Julie climbs back over to Luke and kisses his shoulder

Julie : yes you can look now pretty boi

*julies outfit*

Luke: I've made a stupid decision

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Luke: I've made a stupid decision. Like 2/3 of that outfit is my stuff I'm never getting any of those back

Julie: no , no you're not now let's go

They both get out of the car and walk inside the building. Inside they see a big rink with lots of people roller skating and music blaring. Julies face lights up and she starts jumping up and down.

Julie : oh my gosh I love roller skating!! 

Luke : yeah I thought you did. Two tickets please

Luke addresses to the ticket person who nods and hands them the wrist bands after Luke hands them the cash.
They roll around the rink for hours on end just laughing and having a great time together.

****time skip to Luke dropping her off at her house*

Julie : thanks for an amazing time Luke

Luke : Of course Julie I'm glad you enjoyed it. Soooooo does that mean you'll be my girlfriend now?????

Julie : oh sweet boi this is just the beginning and with your impatience it'll take a little more then a lovely night out to make this official. See ya tomorrow

Julie kisses his cheek and walks back into her house

Luke : she'll be the death of me

Yaayyyy all done!!! Hope y'all liked it and new chapter will be out hopefully sooner.
Bye y'all

Til next time
-Peyton 💜

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