6. The one behind the curtain

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Rehearsal has still been kinda weird since callbacks for belle still haven't happened so Carrie fills in as much as she can and Luke is ready to shoot him self. (sorry I'm into dark humor) It's two weeks into rehearsal and everyone's off book. Well everyone except for Luke. He's been losing focus lately for as he says "reasons." We all know those "reasons" are curly haired Latinas named Julie Molina but whatever. Ms Harrison is having a conversation with Luke as everyone else packs up to go home for the night.

Mrs H : Lucas what has been going on with you lately? The winter musical you were off book in three days and now you're barely getting through your first scene. Is everything okay?

Luke : Yeah everything's fine Ms H I've just been having some things on my mind lately that's all I'll get off book soon I promise

Mrs H : you better or I might have to do a re-cast. But I believe in you , after all you are in the Thespian and Vocal Honor Societies.

Luke : You got it I won't let you down

Mrs H : Alright good

Once everyone leaves the auditorium , Luke forgets his script and has to go back to get it. When he does he hears something well someone behind the curtain singing.

Luke sits down in a chair to listen to this beautiful angel voice filling the room. And to make it better they were singing an original. Finally something someone had in common with Luke , a passion for music. A shadowy figure comes out from the curtain writing down something on a notebook as they continue singing. It's takes a bit for them to come into focus and light and when they reveal themselves , Lukes mouth drops.

Luke : JULIE?!

Julie gets startled and drops all her things. Luke runs up to the stage to help her pick up her stuff and still looks at her with a shocked but impressed face.

Luke : you can sing?!

Julie : um yeah maybe a little

Luke : a little?! Love if you were around during Whitney Houston's time you've would've taken her out of a job

Julie blushes at the pet name and tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.

Julie : you think so?

Luke : hell yeah I do! -gasp- you should go to callbacks!!

Julie : What are you insane?! I can't go to callbacks you saw what happened

Luke : what if I help you?

Julie : how?

Luke : help you get comfortable on stage and even help you learn the lines. That way we can spend more time alone - I MEAN help you audition again!! Hehe

Luke scratches the back of his name out of embarrassment.

Julie : hmm I don't knoww

Luke : come on just give it a try? I mean callbacks aren't for another 3 weeks. Pleaseeeeeee??????

Julie can't help it but give up to those puppy eyes of his.

Julie : okay I'll do it

Luke : yesssss!!! Okay so we'll meet everyday before rehearsal either at your house or the choir room so good?

Julie : yeah that works for me

Luke : alright see you tomorrow superstar

Luke gives Julie a wink and walk out.

At Julies house with Alex


Julie : I sang in front of Luke and he's gunna help me with the callbacks

Alex : Jay that's CRAZY I'm so proud of you!!

Julie : thanks Lex

Alex : Now let's talk what's really going on here. Luke likes you , you loveeeee him therefore y'all should get together as two little theater dorks boom done.

Julie: What? No I don't like Luke Alex why would you think that

Alex : well the classic "WhY wOuLd YoU tHiNk ThAt?" For one. Let's see... the large amount of flirting , the sleep on each other in the living room last week yeah I heard about that , the fucking addition scene that y'all did I may be gay but I'm not blind here Jay

Julie : wait you're gay?

Alex : um hello? Do you not remember me dating Reggie for a bit in sophomore year? I'm as gay as a bucket of wigs

Julie : I know just teasing

Alex : Likeee how you're teasing Luke?

Alex wiggles his eyebrows and Julie pushes his shoulder

Julie : It's not like that

Alex : I'm just saying there's nothing against the rules saying the male lead and currently stage hand and soon to be female lead can't hookup

Julie : ALEX gross

Alex : What???

Julie : sometimes you really make me sick

Alex : oh please you've imagined him shirtless we all have

Julie : ignoring you now

Alex : that's a yes

The next day in the choir room

Luke : okay I want you to look at me right in the eyes and sing

Julie : but Ian the whole thing is to not look at one person during a performance on stage

Luke : yeah but you need to gain confidence in front of me frost then we expand our amount of people now sing

Julie : which song?

Luke : something there your second verse

Julie : new and a bit alarming
whod have ever thought that this could be?
True that's he's no prince charming
But there's something in him that I certainly didn't see

Luke : See? You already improving your stage confidence good job now let's move on the stage presents

While they continued practicing Julie would sing and Luke would sit back and smile thinking about the new song he'd been writing. As of the last couple days that sing has been playing on repeat in his head.

(listen to this song I know most people will skip over songs but this song took so long to find and it fits so well and it's surprisingly good)

Woooooo new chapter for both books yeah baby!! Anyways schools been kicking my ass so hopefully new chapters will be out soon enough just don't murder me for the wait

Til next time
-Peyton 💜

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