2. The Morning of Auditions

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Julie woke up to the bright light shining in her eyes from her window. She grunted and reluctantly got out of bed. She then got ready for the school day wearing a black crop top , ripped jeans and an oversized flannel and went down the stairs. She walked into the kitchen and was greeted by her little brother Carlos and her best friend Alex who drives her to school every day. She ruffles Carlos's hair and sits on the counter as one does.

Carlos : Morning Julie

Alex : Hey Jay

Julie : Morning Guys. Hey Los where's mom and dad?

Carlos : moms in the garage and dads....out....

Julie : Of course

Julie rolls her eyes since she knew what Carlos meant. Their dad if you could even call him that is an alcoholic and spends the morning , afternoon and night at the bar. So they barely see him and their mom is attempting to get enough money to buy the house so she can get a divorce cuz he currently owns the house so she can't kick him out. Julie patiently waits for that day to come so she never has to see her father again and doesn't have to cover the bruises on her arms anymore.

Alex : I'm sorry Jay

Julie : don't be you know him I'd rather him not be here then yknow

Alex : yeah I guess. So you two ready to get this hell over with?

Carlos : yup

Carlos jumps out of his seat and runs to his backpack. Julie and Alex both knew what he was doing and they weren't falling for it.

Julie : Carlos leave the iPad here

Carlos : But-

Julie : leave it

Carlos : ugh finee

Carlos trails over to the kitchen and places his iPad on the table. Everyone grabs their book bags and heads to the garage. Rose is there jotting down set lists for her up coming gig. Yeah she's apart of a band that helps pay the bills kind of ironic that her daughter has stage fright isn't it?

Julie : hey mama we're heading out now

Rose : okay bye guys love you

Molina siblings : love you too

Alex : bye Rose

Rose : bye Alexander have a good day

Alex : you too

The three get into Alex's car and drive off. After about a 10 minute ride they arrive at Carlos's middle school and he gets out of the car.

Julie : alright mom has a gig tonight so we'll be here to pick you up love you buddy

Carlos : okay love you too bye guys

Carlos waves at them as they drive off to the high school.

Alex : so how you feeling about today?

Julie : what are you talking about?

Alex : I mean auditions are today you gunna sign up for stage hand again?

Julie : I was actually thinking about auditioning for a role.

Alex : wait really?!

Julie : yeah maybe I'm still thinking about it

Alex : well I think you should I mean you love the stage so maybe your fear will go away as soon as you get up there

Julie : maybe

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