3. Maybe? Maybe Not?

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There she was , Julie standing right outside the auditorium rethinking about signing up. She simple shrugged and thought now or never and pushed through the doors and took a seat. All the signups had arrived including Luke , Carrie and her minions. The director, Mrs Harrison walked up the stage and began speaking through the microphone.

Mrs Harrison : good evening everyone and welcome to this years musical auditions. This years musical as you all probably know is Beauty and The Beast. So for this audition I want to hear beautiful voices , watch lovely dance and see chemistry between two potential leads. The order will go by the order of the sign up sheet. When both a potential beast and potential belle audition you will read a line from the script so that I could see a possible chemistry. Alright let's begin

Most of the people go including Carrie and her group and then it was time for Luke to audition.

Harrison: mr Patterson please go to the stage

Luke gets up from his seat happily and hops onto the stage

Luke : Hi my name is Luke Patterson, I'll be auditioning for the role of the beast and I'll be singing "Proud of Your Boy" from the Broadway musical Aladdin

Everyone claps as he finishes the song and Carrie as extra as she is stands on her feet jumping up and down.


(A/n I wanna shoot myself in the foot for writing lukey bear)

Luke roles his eyes and steps off the stage.

Mrs Harrison: okay lovely job Mr Patterson now the next person up is Julie so can I have Mrs. Molina and Mr.Patterson on stage to preform a quick scene from the show?

Carrie : Um Mrs.Harrison I don't know if you know but me and Lukey bear are a packaged duo and plus that little mouse can't act for shit so why don't I just rehearse with Luke

Mrs Harrison: that's enough Carrie I've made my decision now shut your mouth before I send you to the office

Carrie grunts and sits back down. Luke is trying desperately not to laugh and so is Julie. Luke makes his way up back on stage and Julie gets up from her seat. Carrie stops her midway and turns Julies heads to face her

Carrie : you don't really think you of all people could get the lead role do you? You're a joke Juliana so it's better you face it now then embarrass yourself up there.

Julie : I think I can manage thanks and don't call me Juliana

Julie getting a brush of confidence gets out of Carries grasp , rolls her eyes and flicks her off. Carries mouth drops open and Luke smirks in amazement. Once Julie gets on stage that wave of confidence quickly disappears and she becomes the shy girl she always was.

Mrs. Harrison : Hello Mrs Molina glad to see you take a chance at a role this time around instead of your stage hand alternative. It's always good to try something new. Now just state your name and what role your auditioning for.

Julie : um I'm Julie Molina a-and I'll be auditioning for the role of belle

Luke leans over to her to speak to her at a whisper level.

Luke : good job Jules you got this

Julie couldn't help but blush at the nickname. Mrs Harrison caught the little transaction between the two and wrote down a note. She wasn't the only one Carrie and Flynn did as well and let's just say Carrie wasn't too happy.

The Song Inside - a Juke story Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now