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"I have her." A girl's voice said, presumably into a phone. 

Emelia opened her eyes to dim light and a pounding head ache. 

"Gotta go, she's waking up. " The same voice again.

Emelia was confused and tried to look around the darkened room. It looked to her like she was in an old, rundown warehouse, on a dirty mattress. She sat up to get a better look around and nearly screamed. To her surprise, sitting in a rusty chair by her feet was a woman, THE WOMAN. The one creeping around her in the alleys and shadows all day. Was it even he same day? Emelia couldn't make heads or tails of what was going on. 

"...the fuck..." Emelia blurted, shocked and angry. " Where the hell am I? Who, in Gods name, are you?" She said a little more forcefully then she intended, as she jumped to her feet and assumed a Gunnun Sogi front stance without thinking. 

"You are in my home, child." The women said, without so much as a flinch. Now that Emelia saw her up close she looked quite young, face: long and smooth, hair: pin straight and the color of ice. Emelia looked around at the dark, dirty and dilapidated surrounding and raised an eyebrow at the women. "It's really not as bad when you see it from my point of view. I'm Fairemera, in god's name, whatever that means." The women said, the only hint of a response to Emelia's questions. "I have to bring you back to my uncle, so let's not make this weird. Trust me, it will be more exciting then anything you had planned." Her voice had a touch of annoyance to it but a youthfulness that soothed Emelia's nerves slightly. 

"Oookay. Not sure what to think here lady, I'm pretty sure you kidnapped me." Emelia stated. "That doesn't exactly  make you trustworthy." She put on the bravado to hide her fright, her instinct was that this might be the best way to handle this situation. "I think you should just let me go, partly because that would be cool, but mostly because I don't know you or your "uncle" for that matter." Emelia made air quotes with her fingers.

"Nope, can't do that. I'm trying to get a promotion. I've been working in the Directorate for like 6 months and my uncle is like the top guy and he sent me to get you. I'm still not sure why because you're a boring girl with a boring life and boring friends." As she spoke she picked at her nails with marked detachment.

"Excuse me miss high and mighty, you don't know anything about me." Emelia stated with incredulity.

"I know enough, thank you."

Emelia still stood at the ready, but lowered her guard slightly in confusion. 

"Well either way, you are coming with me, the easy way or the hard way." With that Fairemera stood and assumed a fighting stance that Emelia had never seen before, it was both elegant and sturdy like a apple tree in full bloom. 

Emelia raised her guard once again and planted her back foot in anticipation of a fight. At the same time Fairemera crooked her fingers in a taunting gesture. Emelia took the initiative and struck first with a flurry of combos, all deflected with an easy and coolness from Fairemera, born from experience. Fairemera, one arm behind her back, defensively evaded Emelia's every attack, using her own weight against her and easily tossing her to the ground numerous times. Emelia landed a few direct hits here and there but was obviously never going to gain any headway, but she is tenacious and not ready to back down. Tired and frustrated, she paused to regroup. She was just starting to learn a new technique in Taekwondo class and decided to try it out, she planted her back foot perpendicular to the front, hands up guarding her face. She attacked with everything he has and still this women was aloof and seemingly bored with the battle. She side stepped and danced around Emelia's attacks with grace and speed. Emelia's anger and frustration was reaching a head and she could feel heat building up in her arms and hands. She still kept attacking, not wanting to give up, despite the bruises and scrapes, all the while she felt like her hands were going to catch fire. Fairemera effortlessly stepped aside and pushed Emelia to the ground.

"Have you not had enough yet, you lame little girl." Fairemera taunted.

Emelia rolled over and back to her feet and wiped a hand across her face. She looked down to see a small amount of blood streaked across the back of her hand. The sight provoked an intense anger, it felt as though it was boiling inside her. She turned to face Fairemera and cocked back her right fist and swung a wild punch at her, as it passed through the air in a wide arch, it literally caught fire, sending a ball of bright yellow and orange flame speeding at her opponent, striking her and sending her sprawling across the room. Fairemera slid on her back and when she came to a stop, she stood slowly, a crooked half smile adorned her features.

Emilia looked down at her still smoking hands and said, very simply, "Holy Shit."

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