The Gym

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Emelia's head hurt. She had just sat through one of the most unusual and exciting lectures she had ever heard. Her Mom, Ruth, had come to get her from the infirmary after Emelia had finished her convalescence there. Ruth brought her to a study, the dark wood walls mostly lined with shelves filled with old and new books and scrolls, a few knick knacks and souvenirs broke up the different groups of books. The middle of the room was dominated by a few oversized plush leather arm chairs, each with a dark, highly lacquered side table topped with brass desk lamps. Ruth pointed to a chair, waited for Emelia to get situated and sat in the one opposite to her. Ruth neatly adjusted her dress after folding one leg over the other and she placed her hands demurely on her lap.

"Ok, how do you want to do this? The way I see it, there are three ways to approach this. You could get get upset with me for lying to you and be mad and sulky, you storm off, brood and come back later when you realize that you want to know what is going on, I explain everything and in the process waste everyone's time. That is option one. Option two, You ask me a bunch of disjointed and unnecessary questions which I will answer, then I explain everything in a way that makes it much easier to understand and in the process waste everyone's time, or option three you sit and listen to what I have to say and save the question for the end, which I doubt will be many and we all save a bunch of time on the boring part and get to the fun part." Ruth said all of this quite matter of factly with an impassive look on her face. Emelia was taken aback by the way her mother was speaking, it was wholly unlike the Ruth she knew. She felt like she was sitting in front of a school principal or a college professor, being manipulated into making the choice Ruth wanted her to. The Ruth she knew was disorganized and energetic, soft spoken in a time of need and hard handed when the needs must. This version in front of her was cold and calculated, almost without emotion. She decided to go with the most logical option

"Give it to me in option three format, but if you know me at all, you know I won't be able to help the occasional interruption." Emelia stated.

"Good choice, and the fact that I do know you, I would expect nothing less." Ruth said, a smile curving one side of her mouth.

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