16 years ago: The Prophecy

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The woman sprinted, cradling the baby tightly in her arms. A young women, barely more then a teen, at the front desk stood quickly and made to say something but the nanny was in and out of the waiting area in a flash. As she burst into the hallway at full speed she noticed two large and imposing figures standing at the end, blocking her way to the elevator. On the left, an Orc dressed in a tailored black suit, white shirt and black tie, large tusks protruding from his lower jaw. On the right was a Fire Golem, stone-like head engulfed in bright flames, yet dressed in an identical suit as the Orc. Both of the security guards squared up and stood at the ready. Sandra, with a swipe of her left arm, tossed the two violently against the wall and slid to a stop at the elevators, tapping wildly on the down button. 

 Salazar floated out of the office door, a demonic grin spread across his pale face. Blue green flames seemed to shroud his lower half as he moved silently toward Sarah. She alternated glances between the elevator door, Salazar and the two guards still laying prone on the floor. The unmistakable ding of the elevator sounded. Salazar extended his hand toward Sarah as he glided ever closer. She continued to tap the button franticly, the door seemed to take an eternity to open. The slick, Dark Elf was within seconds of grabbing her, she ducked, covering the child. Just then the elevator slid open and she dove in. She sat on the floor of the brightly lit elevator car, staring in horror as Salazar came within arms reach. The elevator dinged once again as the door slid shut. All want silent except the hum of the elevator and the words of the prophecy ringing in her head.

"It shall be then, when the hidden becomes seen, that the one with hair like the night, brings forth the power to make both worlds become one. The Blind Breaker will bring forth the end of all that seek to rend history and once more bring peace and equality back to the world."

It is the prophecy that Sarah had heard in the stories from childhood, The prophecy she has been entrusted to care for, the prophecy that she now knows she must protect at all cost.

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