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The thing about assuming is that you almost always make an ass out of yourself, and that was exactly how Fairemera felt right now. She had mistakenly, despite her uncles insistence, thought that this girl was just a entitled, boring human, but the hella powerful fireball the child just hit her with, that just singed her new jackets no less, told her she was dead wrong. She had barely even gotten the shield spell up before it slammed her to the ground.

On the bright side, she thought as she stood up grinning at the girl who was currently staring dumbfounded at her still smoldering hands, this is the right girl. That promotion was as good as hers for sure. 

Fairemera was just getting ready to bind the girl with one of her most prized spells, one she had been studying and she knew would come in handy when she was promoted to the High Directorates full time fixer position. She knew she had to get this little human to her uncle at any cost, but as she was about to find out, the cost was going to be much higher then she would have ever. thought

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