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She awoke in complete darkness, the sounds of morning vaguely sensed and the edge of her consciousness. Early birds chirping, the suseration of curtains blowing in a breeze, far off footsteps and other morning ablutions faded into the forefront. She became aware that she was lying down but could not remember where she was or how she came to be there. She opened her eyes, looking around the unfamiliar space, white ceiling, light grey walls, subtle light coming from a lamp on a side table. Her eyes continued to roamed the area coming to rest on a women, her mom, sitting on a chair next to her. Her mom had a look of concern on her otherwise youthful and bright features. As she looked at her mom she thought back to the hectic mornings, getting ready for school or work, helping her adoptive mother make breakfast and rushing out the door. All of a sudden it hit her, the realization of the past couple days dawned on her like a light switch being flipped on and she bolted upright.

"Did I do Magic?" She exclaimed.

"Yes, well you used The Flux." Ruth said, simply.

Emeilas head immediately began to spin and she felt as if she had ran a marathon pulling a truck behind her, she swooned and lay back against her pillow, trying not to pass out.

"Rest my love, what you did takes a lot of energy." She laid her hand on her daughter's arm. "When you are feeling up to it, call for me and we will talk. There is a lot I need to explain." Ruth stood and Emelia watched as she exited the room, her head filled with questions but an inexorable fatigue denied her a voice and she slipped back to sleep.

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