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Fairemera sat in a plush leather chair,  she popped her gum impatiently and stared intently at a tiny nick in her otherwise immaculate fingernails. Standing across  a large, opulent desk, all dark wood with sparse yet modern decorations set atop it, was Salazar Frost, her ill tempered uncle. His hands placed palm down and his eyes half closed in annoyance.

"So tell me again what happened." He hissed through clenched teeth.

Fairemera clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes. "I had her, the annoying thing that she is, but she got away. Is it that hard to understand Unc?"

Frost had enough of this insolent little girl and in his anger his smooth hair turned to flame for an instant as he thought of squashing her, but alas it was his brothers daughter and she was actually very good at her job, if not somewhat insubordinate. 

Before she looked back up at him he got his temper back in control. "Could you elaborate, please." he said, sardonically.

"She had help from a couple Fae folk. A dwarf and a rogue. They were pretty good." she stated. "The rogue was actually kinda cute." She said this quietly, under her breath.

"Well I'm glad this is all so much fun for you, but we need that girl." Salazar crossed the room to a low table and poured a measure of Dwarven scotch into a tumbler and downed it, he was starting to regret bringing his niece into this important task. "Don't forget sweety," he drew out the word sarcastically. " if we fail, then not only will you not get the promotion but, my whole campaign will be in peril."

Fairemera pulled an emery board from her purse and started to file her rogue nail, much to Frosts chagrin. "Yeah, I get it uncle." She said, with the amount of condicention only available to teens.

Now standing behind his desk again, Salazar burst into flames, cold and purple. His hair whipped around as if blown in an unfelt wind. He slammed both fists onto the top of the thick, solid desk and it spilt like nothing more than a piece of plywood. "DO NOT TEST ME GIRL! DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT IS AT STAKE!" His voice was loud and seemed to come from every direction at once.  The two black suited ogres near the door jumped and reached into their jackets in surprise.

Fiaremera jumped up, her chair falling as she did. Still holding her emery board with a look of dull surprise on her face, she stared at him with a fair amount of brooding incredulity. "Okay." she said firmly, then "Geez." a bit more quietly.

Salazar once again smoothed his hair down, tempering his anger. "You will do well, Niece, to go back out and get me that girl. Remember what is at stake here, with her out of the way and the controlling interest tipped in my favor, it will bode very well for you. You will go back to being the heir to the Matriary, but if you fail it will not be good for you." He said. he looked back up and the girl was filing her nails again, his anger flared once again. "I will only say this once my dear, I will grant you a carte blanc to do what it takes, just do not fail me again girl. Its a very lengthy fall from up here." 

Fairmera blew some dust from her finger and left. She couldn't believe how her uncle was treating her. She was the heir to the most powerful magical court in the world, or at least would be if this boring human girl didn't show up. She drew a rune in the air with her finger and swore an unbreakable oath that she would stop at nothing to get this girl and after that she would make sure her uncle could never talk to her like that again.

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