Thousands of years ago

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"It seems as though the battle has concluded." The General of the army, said as he collapsed his looking glass. "Spread the word, the Troll King will be upon us soon." His lieutenant ride off toward the army in the valley below, a cloud of dust trailing behind his horse. The General reared his own horse around to watch as he rode away. "Duggor's scale will be ours. The king will be pleased." General McDaniel said under his breath, pulling on his gauntlets as he urge his horse down the hill.

After the army slaughtered the injured Troll, the General and his Lieutenant picked their way through the circle of dead soldiers to the hulking body. Arrows and swords stuck out at every angle making it resemble a huge pin cushion. General McDaniel handed his reins to the lieutenant and gracefully hopped down from the war steed. He removed his gauntlets one finger at a time, the dusky sun shown bright off of his unblemished armor. He walked around the beast, his face scrunched and his hand under his nose to try and fend off the stench that came from the dead, former king of the Trolls. His face brightened when he came upon the thing he was looking for. There in the mud, really a mixture of the earth torn up from battle and the blood of the fallen, was the dragon scale. It still gleamed white, an iridescent sheen ran across it like the surface of a soap bubble.

"You see this Titus," He looked up at his Lieutenant, holding out the treasure. "This is a scale from Duggor, the most revered and powerful dragon to ever live, he is dead now. This is a very powerful artifact." He rubbed a spot of dirt from it with his thumb. "This is why we posted here in this valley and waited for the elf," McDaniel practically spat the word. " to defeat the Troll king. Why we waited for the beast to come to us. Why we lost these soldiers." He swept his hand, indicating the fallen man around him. "This will make the King a very powerful man and we can take these lands back from the creatures that stole them." This time he did spit. He pulled a piece of blood red velvet out of a pouch that hung from his belt and folded the scale lovingly and carefully into it and slid it under his cuirass of gleaming enameled brass. "The usurpers will pay, the Human race will rule over all the creatures that have invaded our lands. All hail the king." The General smoothly vaulted onto his waiting horse and rode off west to bring this most important of items to the king.

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