The Playground

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They took a pristine, stainless steal elevator down, Emelia had no idea how far. The doors slid open to a stark white hallway. Their stocking feet made slight shushing noises as they walked. In front of them was a double door and the hall continued to the left. As the group approached the doors Emelia heard a melange of sound coming from beyond. The clash of metal against metal, thumping and slapping, a low rumble like boulders rolling down a hill, quiet conversations she could not make out and laughter. Emelia made to open the door but Bouldar stopped her.

"Food and explanations first Em." He rumbled, Emelia was still unaccustomed to the voice of the small man who was, until recently, her best friend Carol.

"Alright." She whispered, defeated, reluctantly releasing the door handle.

The three companions continued left and came to another door. Clicking silverware, scraping plates and murmured conversation came to them as the door was opened by Galadon.

Inside was a cafeteria, a large space dominated by six large rectangular tables. Half a dozen people of different races and sizes were seated, they stopped eating and turned to look as the three of them entered. When the people saw Bouldar and Galadon they continued, not without a few shrugs and sideways looks. Along the wall directly across from them was buffet of shining steel cloche, a total of six lined up in a row on a table. A tall, thin women in a crisp white chefs uniform, which seemed a size or two too small, stood off to the left side, hand clasped behind her back.

Emelia could smell unidentifiable foods, an intermingled melange of scents. "What's on the menu today?" She asked as she walked over, rubbing her hands together. She was starving and all she could think about was her favorite pizza, pepperoni, black olives and banana peppers. She lifted the first cloche and peered under, immediately closing it again, her eyes wide with surprise.

"What the..?" She exclaimed and opened it to reveal a pepperoni, black olive and banana pepper pizza.

"This is our Chef, Birdy. She is a chef mage with 5 Millatoni stars. She has worked for Dmitry the Wooden and studied in L'école Cachée de la Nourriture in Under France. All you have to do is think of what you really want and it will appear under the first dome you look under. She can make anything and it is really quite good." Galadon stated, he puffed up alittle as if he was bragging.

Emelia was astonished, this was all a little much. That got her thinking again about all that has happened in the past, two days, was it? Her heart started pounding and she felt dizzy. She was hungry and confused. She needed some explanations." Okay, lets get this food and get on with the explanations, I can't take anymore of this until I can find out what is going on."

The three companions each got a plate of food and went to a table in a corner away from the others. Emelia took a bite of pizza, it really was delicious, and stared at the two seated across from her, she was ready to get some answers.

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