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They pulled up to a low brick building, the BMW slid silently to a stop in front. Mason hopped out and opened the back door to let Emelia out. The Building was unassuming, it looked like it could be a dentist office or a tax preparer. 

"This is your place?" Emelia said, a hint of condescension in her voice.

"Nothing is as it seems when you are between the Blind" Mason stated prophetically.

As they approached the building it shimmered and seemed to shift between two different images. It made Emelia's head hurt to watch, but after a moment it solidified as a sleek, modern, two story home, all angles and glass. They walked up to the double doors, solid black affairs with gold knobs the size of a fist in the center of each. The doors glided open under unseen power when they neared. As they passed through the threshold Mason and Carol were once again enveloped by a tornado of sparkling light and transformed into the forms she had seen in Fairemera's prison.

"Welcome to the Playhouse." Carol said, her voice now gruff and deep and distinctly male.

Inside was a large foyer, clean white walls and marble tiles. Benches on each side with black velvet cushions, sit low against the walls, with cubbies under for shoes. Brass hooks, four on each wall, for coats and cloaks. Already a few garments hung placidly, presumably belonging to people already inside. Mason removed his long overcoat and threw it over one of the hooks and sat to remove his boots, gesturing for the others to do so as well. Emelia glad to see his fastidiousness still remained despite the change in his outward appearance.

Mason waved her on, urging her to move further into the house. Emilia noticed for the first time that this version of Mason was hansom and had a ease of movement she had never seen in HER Mason.

"Wait." Emelia said as a thought popped into her head. "You both look quite different then I know you to look, I don't want to walk around here feeling like I don't know you at all." She paused, staring from one to the other of her "friends". "Are your names the same or are there introductions in order."

Carol stared at Mason, then back at Emilia. "We have been exclusively using the names you know for your entire life..." Carol said. "For continuity sake, but those are not our given names."

Mason snapped his heels together and bowed theatrically. " I am Galadon Watcher, at your service." He swept his arm with a flourish.

Carol straightened and pounded a thick arm to her chest. "And I am Bouldar Watcher, the Great Stone be with you."

Emelia could hardly believe anything that was happening to her, Mason is a lithe and hansom fighter, all dark and eloquent. Carol, her best friend in the whole world, is a stout and brooding Dwarf and MALE.

"Well Galadon and Bouldar, I am very pleased to meet you. I'm sorry if I am coming off as being a bit flabbergasted but this is all just a little weird. It might take me a bit to get used to all of this." Emelia swept her arm in an arch encompassing the two and the room around them. " I have so many questions."

"Lets go to the cafeteria and get some food. We will answer any questions you have then. You must be starving." Galadon said as he pulled an errant strand of his long hair behind his ear.

"I am. Lets see what in the world I am getting myself into." She said the last part in a whisper meant only for herself. Galadon turned on his heel and lead the way, Emelia felt a pang of remorse as she thought to herself that she would probably never she her old friends again.

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