Training (later that day)

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Galadon lead Emelia into a new room off the west side of the larger training gym. Baldar and Ruth followed after them. Inside was a square room, wood paneling covered all 4 walls, two windows high on the west most wall beamed sunlight into the space. The floor was covered with dark grey rubber matting. It reminded Emelia of a Japanese dojo complete with Komainu Lion statues and long, red banners hanging limply from pillars at all four corners. On the floor Emelia immediately recognized a regulation fencing piste. Fourteen meter long stips, complete with center line, en garde line and the warning zones. There were two, taking up most of the space in the room. The big difference was in the middle of each was a circle about Fourteen Meters in diameter.

Galadon gestured his hand dramatically. "What do you think? I made this specifically for you, thought you would like a space to practice you martial arts and sword play." He walked over to a wall to the left and pressed on it, the wall silently slid away and behind was what Emelia could only describe an armoury. Two mannequins, one with fencing armour and one with a Korean Dobok, both white with black and red accents, shared the space. Every type of sword she could ever want was cradled in a dark wooden stand. An Epee, Saber, Fencing Foil, Rapier, english noble fencing sword and a few different thin daggers as well. Emelia ran her fingers lightly along the hilt of a particularly ornate rapier, her favorite type of sword. She lifted it and took a few practice swings admiring the balance, as if it was custom made for her.

"I think you will find each of those weapons are not only beautiful but durable and specifically made for you." Galadon stated. "I'll introduce you to Vrand later. He's our smithy."

"These are gorgeous." Emelia said. Just as she placed the rapier back in the rack the door opened and Britt walked in. She took in the room, strolling effortlessly in full fencing armor of crimson, helm held under one arm. Britt stopped at one end of the piste. "I heard you have been studying sword arts, focusing on fencing." she said without preamble. 

"Uh. Um, yeah." Emelia stammered. 

"Well let's see what you've got." Britt said as she assumed a en garde pose, as she placed the helm over her head.

Emelia looked from one face to the next, taking in the expressions in the room. When she looked to Ruth her mother shrugged in a why not gesture.

Galadon helped her don the armor and she selected the rapier she had admired earlier. Emelia  took her place at the opposite end of the piste and settled into the familiar ready position. She usually took a more defensive approach, but she felt a more aggressive tactic would show what she could do. Emelia approached Britt and with a feint and a lunge she opened her attack. Britt easily perried, anticipating the attack, she extended her sword arm and with a short remise she landed a hit to Emelia's torso. Emelia retreated and  swung her sword in frustration. She settled back into a ready pose on her end of the piste. She took a breath and went on the offensive again. With a flick of her wrist and a perry, followed by a quick remise, Emelia backed Britt up a few steps. Britt parried and counter parried gaining back the ground she had lost. This was exactly what Emelia was expecting and she performed a textbook repost into a passata sotto, ducking low with her non sword hand on the ground for balance, to get under Britt's attack. In a blur of movement, almost too fast for Emelia to see, Britt spun, parried Emelia's attack and landed another hit to her shoulder, knocking Emelia onto her back. Emelia immediately stood and grunted in anger. 

Britt stepped off the piste and removed her mask. "That was very good, but you need to stop using anger to guide you movements. Fencing is a sport, athleticism and tactical movements are more important than power or the actual sword play. You are very good, I can tell from just that short match." She said while leaning on her foil. "It will take me no time at all to make a great sword fighter of you. Do you know any other styles?"

"I also study Bonguk Geom, a korean sword art. And a bit of Medieval sword fighting." Emelia said. "My friends and I participate in some medieval festival competitions and casual LARPing meets." Emelia whispered and lowered her head in embarrassment, but the words hit her with the realization that she really has been training for this exact predicament for most of her life.

"We will start your sword training tomorrow." Britt said and strode out of the room with no further ceremony.

Emelia placed the sword back in the rack and said. "Well I, for one, am very excited to get this shit started. I'm totally geeking out right now, but I'm tired and hungry. Someone show me to where I'm going to sleep so I can some rest because I'm sure thing are going to get a lot more exciting here real soon.

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