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Emelia opened her eyes. The world was dark, shaded by a dusky tint, like the moment before the sun sets, almost as if the world was thrown into black and white. Everything was blurred,  as if a strong wind were trying to sweep away the world. She was still standing in what looked like the very training room she was in just seconds before. Shadowy figures, dim and wispy , stood where the others had been. Emelia took a step, the silence was deafening, even her foot falls made no sound. Her heart the only sound, pounding loudly in her chest.  She jumped as a hand rested lightly on her shoulder. She spun and Galadon was standing there, a confused look on his face. 

"You can't be here, it's too dangerous." He looked like he was yelling, but the words came out low and wispy.

"Where is this?" Emelia yelled, the words still too quiet in her ears, already knowing the answer.

"The Shadows." He stated. "We need to leave right away. You are not ready. You barely have a grasp of the Flux. No one as inexperienced as you has ever made it here and lived." 

"How?" She yelled against the deafening silence.

"Just go!"

Emelia concentrated, breathing slowly and manifested the blank nothingness of the void. She felt the pull of reality and all went white. 

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