The Watchers compound

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Emelia couldn't breathe, she stood, mouth agape and eyes wide with surprise. Ruth, the women who raised her and went to work everyday and barely ever even raised her voice, was chucking fire balls at drones and hanging out with the magical creatures of folklore and legend. She was beside herself to say the least. Emelia could not believe her eyes. 

Ruth still stood in the glass room, smoke continued to swirl lazily around and obscured her in a dull grey haze. With a wave of her hand the smoke seemed to converge on a random spot near her head and disappeared, as if sucked up into a vacuum. 

Emelia walked closer to the glass and placed her forehead and hands against it. the glass was cool and helped to soothe her. She watched as Ruth walked slowly toward the door, stopped at a chair next to it and used a towel hanging over the back to wipe sweat from her face. Every second seemed an eternity to Emelia. Although she was hyper focused on every minute movement that Ruth made, she could still feel that the amulet around her neck was cold. She was so focused and anxious that she jumped when Galadon placed a hand on her shoulder. 

"You have to settle down Em, you've slowed down time and you're floating." He said, his voice deep and slow, but his eyes showed surprise. Emelia looked down and saw that she was indeed floating a foot or so above the rubberized floor, the instant she noticed though, she fell hard almost knocking her off balance. Everything suddenly seemed to speed up, not back to normal but like it was in fast forward, it made Emelia's head swim. "You will get used to it, after perception deviation things always seem to speed up for a bit. It's all a matter of perception."

Emelia was feeling overwhelmed, her head was cloudy, black spots appeared at the edges of her peripheral vision and her palms were clammy and sweaty. This was all too much to take in all at once. She swooned, stumbled backward, vaguely felt Galadon wrap her up as she fell and all went black.

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