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Fairmera hustered the gun to her hip. She knew she wouldn't need it, but it helped to know she had it there. Her two best soldiers were similarly equipping themselves. The van took a sharp turn and they all grabbed a rail along the wall to steady themselves.

"Two minutes till' target." a scratchy voice said over the coms.

"We all know what to do. This isn't our first rodeo." She said to her teammates. She flexed her hands, a crackling light slid along her arms. "Lets not mess up this time."

The van turned out the lights and slowly rolled to a stop in an alley. The team of three checked their weapons once more and silently slid open the vans side door. 

The team moved silently along the alley and stopped at a door in full tactical formation. Fairemera blasted the door open with a swipe of the hand and the trio breached the room and entered the building.

Fairemera stood in an empty room, large and dark. She flicked a ball of light into the room, and saw nothing, just broken pallets and some machinery that was rotting away with disuse. She couldn't shake this feeling that something was wrong. With a gesture she sent the team along the perimeter or the room, wanting to make sure to check the area thoroughly. The team rounded the back end of the room with no sign that anything was amiss, this was the wrong building. Fairemera lowered her weapon in frustration, scanning the room for any sign of life, as she was about to give up, she saw a flicker, the slightest shimmer in the opposite corner.

"Gotcha." she whispered, signalling to her team to head toward the glitch she saw. With one finger extended, she made a circular gesture and the illusion wavered. She and her team were standing in front of a large black double door with ornate golden knobs.

With two fingers extended she flicked her wrist in a "move out" gesture. "Lets go get these fuckers." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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