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Fairemera sat in a plush leather chair in her opulent apartment and stared out the huge window that looked high out over the city landscape. She picked at a jagged nail nervously. 

"Where are you? It's like you just disappeared off the face of the earth." She said to noone in particular.

She slipped her phone from her pocket and scrolled idolly. She was startled back to reality by her door bell. Fairmera checked the Ring doorbell app to see the fisheye lens image of her best informant, standing impatiently in front of the door. She tapped the open button and Ishani ran in breathlessly. 

"We found her, her, you know HER." Ishani blurted.

Faiemera popped her gum, rolled her eyes and asked. "Where?" Not exactly confident that she  could trust Ishani's words, this being the third time she has heard this supposed info. It had been almost two weeks since her incorrigible uncle had given her the job of finding that boring human girl.

"My C.I. told me he heard that the rogue Galadon was seen around an old wearhouse downtown." Ishani said.


"I went to the location and although I didn't see the rogue, I saw a poorly warded giant duck into the same rundown building." 

"That proves nothing."

"I waited a while and you would never believe who I saw leaving the shit hole."

"If you don't tell me, I will pull off your head and kick it out the window." Fairemera threatened.

"The Caretaker." Ishani said with an extra sprinkle of dramatics.

Fairemera jumped up and hugged the informant. "You are a genius. You live to see another day. Congratulation. Now leave, text me the Lo."

After the Informant left, Fairemera grabbed her phone and after poking at it with a slender finger the toneless melody of the ringtone was the only sound in her apartment.

"I will have the girl soon." She stated and begin to formulate a plan.

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